Recent content by SteelMagnolia

  1. SteelMagnolia

    Neighbor's chickens

    Ok I'll see if I can catch them to get pics.
  2. SteelMagnolia

    "Backyard chickens dumped at shelters when hipsters can't cope, critics say"

    Wow really?! I have never heard of chickens being difficult to take care of. Sure the odd health problem occurs and can be a little pricey but compared to a dog or cat?! If they can't take care of chickens they don't really need any other animal...
  3. SteelMagnolia

    New Coop

    My husband and I are about to build our very first coop! I had chickens before at my parent's house but absolutely hate the way their coop is set up so I thought I would ask y'all on here what you would do over in your coop or what you love best about your coop and any other ideas y'all might...
  4. SteelMagnolia

    Neighbor's chickens

    I'm not sure if this is the right thread since I am pretty sure these are just mixed chickens. But, my husband and I just moved to a new house with 10 acres and we are about to start building our coop. We have a neighbor a little down the road who has chickens free range that two of the chicks...
  5. SteelMagnolia

    Kentucky people

    Spydertoys, I am interested in your doms. I think you are a couple hours away from me but I will have to check for sure. Will you be having any chicks or young birds soon?
  6. SteelMagnolia

    I Got a New Dog!

    She's adorable!!
  7. SteelMagnolia

    Kentucky people

    Spydertoys, where are you located? I think I asked this before but I haven't been on here in a while since I've been remodeling a house. I'm looking for black copper marans and doms. I plan on having my coop finished by September so that's two months to find the ones I want. I know more about...
  8. SteelMagnolia

    Kentucky people

    Does anybody in eastern ky or western ky have dominiques(sp?) or black copper marans?
  9. SteelMagnolia

    Kentucky people

    I'm interested in Dominiques as well..
  10. SteelMagnolia


    Hi everyone! I am somewhat new to quilting. My mamaw(grandmother) was an amazing quilter and seamstress. She made most of her quilts by hand and as she passed away a couple years ago I decided to continue the tradition since many women in my familly sewed. Right now I am halfway through my first...
  11. SteelMagnolia

    Hi from almost Madison, CT

    from Kentucky!
  12. SteelMagnolia

    New to BYC

  13. SteelMagnolia

    Wisconsin town girl trying to make herself a country girl!!!!!!!!

    Welcome!! Sounds like you have a great start on a chicken farm, if not a hobby farm!
  14. SteelMagnolia

    hello from Helena, MT!

    and thank you for your family's service!
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