Recent content by stinks2bme

  1. stinks2bme

    Missing feathers

    No rooster and it’s summer time. Weather has been cool and now to get hot again.
  2. stinks2bme

    Missing feathers

    Can anyone tell me what’s cause the feather loss on my chickens? Never had this before. I have dusted them and complete cleaned and treated coop. They are losing tail feathers, bare breast and butts.
  3. stinks2bme


    I am dealing with the same thing. I am a new chicken mother, just treated them for chicken lice/mites with fossil shell flour about 1 week ago. I am in Wisconsin and we have had a lot of rain and the temperature has been unpredictable. Nights have been in the 30's and today only in the 40's. She...
  4. stinks2bme

    Introducing a chicken to flock

    Just want to thank you for your help, I finally got her back into the coop with the other chickens!!! I let them free range for a few days and put her in there when it was dark. They have doing great.
  5. stinks2bme

    Introducing a chicken to flock

    I recently put one of my chickens into confinement for a blocked crop. She is doing better, but when I put her back with the other chickens they started attacking her. Is there any suggestions to what I can do to get her back with them?
  6. stinks2bme

    Bloody Feeder, what happened?

    I reside in Wisconsin and recently have the same problem. My feeder is completely red with blood just like yours but only thicker. Scared the jaheebers out of me. I've checked them and cannot find any injury. I have noticed black spots on combs from pecking one another, but I can't imagine that...
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