Recent content by Stone61

  1. Stone61

    Free ranging our golden laced polish.

    We have a 13 week old golden laced polish chicken. We let all 7 of our chickens out during the day, but Violet (our golden laced polish) seems to get left behind as all the chickens wander around. She's not the smartest chicken in the coop and she cannot see well account of her head feathers. Is...
  2. Stone61

    Hens or roosters?

    Okay thanks! That's a relief!
  3. Stone61

    Hens or roosters?

    We got these chicks as pullets but our friend has expressed concern that they are cockerels. We don't know how to tell the difference very well. Can anyone help? They're over 6 weeks old.
  4. Stone61

    Hen or rooster?

    We got all our chicks as pullets but our friend expressed her concern that its a cockerel. We will just have to wait and see for sure! Thanks :)
  5. Stone61

    Hen or rooster?

    5 week old chick hen or rooster?
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