Recent content by substandardtim

  1. substandardtim

    Rooster chased my son *UPDATE pg 4*

    Quote: You are a parent first and a vegetarian second. Protect your child and get rid of a dangerous animal before it scars or torments your son. Roosters go for the eyes/face of children very often. I am honestly pretty disgusted with any person who allows dangerous animals around their...
  2. substandardtim

    Introducing "new" rooster to flock

    dog cage in the coop for a while, the bigger the dog cage the longer the time can be spent in it. after 3 weeks in a large cage a few of my orp girls where still not being pleasent with the new comers. so we added daily meet and greet sessions where my husband broke up any fights. after a few...
  3. substandardtim

    Question about using linoleum in the coop.

    if its a single roll of heavy stuff do you really need to staple it down like you would for tiles?
  4. substandardtim

    Jackpot! Free garage and shed to tear down!

    I need a new horse barn, the horses like chickens, they can coexist lol. heres a design from the coop designs page, I remember going threw and I really liked this set up. and another one, combine the two and get the divided...
  5. substandardtim

    Question about using linoleum in the coop.

    need deeper shavings, the bigger the animal the deeper the shavings need to be to be non skid. my fil just gave me a MASSIVE roll of linoleum and I want to redo the floor of the coop with it. current floor is a scrap of old plastic to keep the wood from getting damp.
  6. substandardtim

    "survivors" need a bigger coop:}

    well I am really bad with the math so I will just work backwords from when my husband built our coop. your current coop is 8x10 so 80 square foot. divide that by 4 square foot and that comes out to 20 birds. so if my math is correct you need double the size you have now. you could build one...
  7. substandardtim

    "survivors" need a bigger coop:}

    sods law they are all happy and healthy lol. I think the spacing for larger hens is 4 square foot per bird in the coop and 10 square foot in the run. I may be wrong though those numbers are off the top os my head.
  8. substandardtim

    Ready to start building coop... with your help!

    go bigger and sturdier then you originaly planned. you never know if you will get the oddball super agressive chickens that will need more space or if you get addicted and want more chickens or if your nephew hands you a box of chicks from his school embrology project. last two reasons have...
  9. substandardtim

    how do I keep my chickens off my porch

    fence in the porch and use a water pistel and spray when you catch them there (as long as its not cold out) they will learn to stay off the porch.
  10. substandardtim

    my own dog is the predator :(

    Quote: that is a wonderfull pic.
  11. substandardtim

    What kind of coop should i use to house show quality silkies?

    a nice secure coop is just fine, it does not need to be fancy just safe. the run you could do a hardware cloth bottom, but I dont know how rough that would be on their feet long term. a better option I think would be to have a fort knox coop and run. but in the run have a good gravel base...
  12. substandardtim

    Should I put her out of Misery??

    those roos could maime your children. if you dont have freezer bags or a cooler then just kill them and bury them. some friends of mine have also found that their mean rooster bred mean sons and their nice rooster had nice sons. no matter how pretty, if the roosters are nasty its not worth it...
  13. substandardtim

    Pecking Order - Update: Am I a Chicken Abuser?

    when we mixed in some younger ones to the older group we sat the smaller ones in a large cage in the coop for a while. then started the daily freedom walks. if one of the big girls got out of hand we shoued them away. my wife got sick of the bullying. so she grabbed one of our sons tiny water...
  14. substandardtim

    how warm for my chickies!

    how many 1 month old chicks are you trying to put in a 10 gallon? at 4 weeks in a seperated space (but large enough) they will be fine with a red heat lamp.
  15. substandardtim

    All my chickens, ducks are dead!!!!

    Quote: Wow, did you mean that as rude as it sounds? How was I rude? I didn't killl her chickens. However, she must have ticked off someone to do such a thing according to her words. that is not necessarily true. she could live next to mentally disturbed people, drug addicts or obnoxious...
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