Recent content by sueward

  1. sueward

    FLORIDA ANYONE?? Please sign on map!

    Hi Amanda I've mailed you off list... thanks for your speedy reply! I was beginning to feel like I'd never find new birds. Sue
  2. sueward


    I'm in Ocala... and am searching for some silkies to keep me company in my yard. I recently lost my girls after moving to a new house (my husband missed a weak spot in his coop/run design and something got at my girls! It was rather heart breaking...)
  3. sueward

    FLORIDA ANYONE?? Please sign on map!

    i'm searching for some silkies in Marion County, FL. When we moved my husband re-built my coop and run and something got at my girls! I'm in Ocala and having no luck finding either some started hens or even chicks
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