Recent content by Sussquires

  1. Sussquires

    Cough amongst chickens -no other signs, but I am going out of town...

    Thanks for the welcome and the info! I have noticed them cough in the coop while roosting but also under the coop where there is straw, and where they are mainly hanging out lately because of the snow. Yesterday I cleaned out the coop, which, because of our recent weather and a minor...
  2. Sussquires

    Cough amongst chickens -no other signs, but I am going out of town...

    I have noticed my chickens coughing - 9 girls, about 4 or 5 coughs in about a half hour. I don't notice anything terribly amiss - they are not lethargic, their eyes seem bright and I don't notice any nasal discharge. I am mostly concerned because I have to be away for 10 days later this week...
  3. Sussquires

    Bloody Chicken Poop, Diahhrea, Poop Chart

    Wow! Thanks for posting! As a new chicken owner, I had NO IDEA there was such a range of normal. So, as to the question I was going to post - Never mind! Thanks again!
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