Recent content by SvenskSvarthona

  1. SvenskSvarthona

    Ice Cream Bars

    Ice Cream-Bar Follow Up: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful Born March 9, 2017: 5 males (4 black, 1 blue), 6 females (4 black, 2 blue) Sex-Linking: Hatch was 100% sex-linked (males all had a white spot on their head- however the 1 blue male was harder to see due to minimal contrast with...
  2. SvenskSvarthona

    Electric chicken stunner

    This article is worth the read for those interested in the difference between "no stun and bleed" vs "no stun and decap" vs. "stun and bleed" vs. "stun and decap".
  3. SvenskSvarthona

    Ice Cream Bars

    Well I just completed my first hatch of "Ice Cream-Bars" with 11 out of 12 eggs hatched. So far it looks like I may have a 100% sex-link cross. Male Isbar (yes, I'm going to still call them that- at least for now) over 2 different Cream Legbar females (one female lays the traditional blue egg...
  4. SvenskSvarthona

    Ice Cream Bars

    Any update on eggs?
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