Recent content by Tammymcl

  1. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    I don't have a copy but I am going to amazon and buy one! She's a funny looking girl. He dad was a mottled Cochin and mom is a apenzeller sphitzenhabun (not sure about the spelling). She more alert today and eating But her crop was still full this morning. She had no access to food other than...
  2. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    I should tell you that her eye looks funny because she was pecked by her daddy. Almost lost her eye and left a lot of scarring.
  3. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    Peepersmama- here are the pics you requested and one pic that you did not request
  4. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    Wow, 51 views and only 1 person responds. I am definitely not feeling the love right now. Thank you, peepers for your responses. I was going to put this in casportpony's poop thread since it had so much activity but I didn't want to highjack her thread.
  5. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    I forgot to mention that I started her on Corid last night. I also gave her 2 drops of undiluted Corid in her beak. She has been a broody hen and was still raising her 3mon chick until I took her out of the coop. She hadn't started laying again. I wondering if it's maybe egg yolk peritonitis?
  6. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    I will post a pic when I get home for lunch. This morning she was eating and drinking on her own, a bit more energy but still was hunched down and forward.
  7. Tammymcl

    BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

    Very informative thread. Thanks for starting it, Kathy. Regarding your treatment of the above peafowl, did you give all 4 meds at the same treatment time? I saw on one of your many posts that you will give corid and antibiotic at the same time. What meds are ok to be taken concurrently and...
  8. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    Another poop- more green this time with white caseous blobs. Could it be clostridium? Hen is drinking if I give it to her in a syringe. She has had some clicking noises when she breathes. I've read several threads (especially casportpony's contributions). Unfortunately, I'm more confused than ever:(
  9. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    1. How old is she? 18 months 2. Are there any other chickens acting sick? No 3. What breed is she? Appenzeller/Cochin mix Try to give her some water through an eyedropper or other small syringe. I would stop massaging her crop. If it's empty, it's empty. If you look up how to ferment feed, make...
  10. Tammymcl

    Gross poop pics- need some advice

    I went out to my coop today to find my favorite chicken standing by herself in the coop. She was all fluffed up and didn't even try to eat the cracked corn or dried meal worms that I offered. Her crop is squishy to the point of making noise when I massage it. Her appetite is almost not...
  11. Tammymcl

    3 mama's -1 coop

    Anyone have any advice?
  12. Tammymcl

    3 mama's -1 coop

    I have 3 mama's that have hatched out their babies. They are all in one coop. The hens pick on the chicks that are not their own. One baby has died which could have been from pecking but I don't know for sure. Keeping them separate is difficult so I am looking for options. I have a small coop...
  13. Tammymcl

    Why is my old hen doing this??

    I was just noticing her newly bright red comb yesterday.
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