Recent content by tatum123

  1. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Yeah, I do free range on the geese. I got them from a dog rescue group on petfinder. I was really clear when asking her if they were predator wary, and telling her there are tons of coyotes where we live and that they would be living on the lake, and the lady said yes, that they live around tons...
  2. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Maybe we should get some guineafowl ? Wonder if they would be a good investment as watchdogs. We do have tons of owls, hawks, kestrel, and other birds of prey around here. I would not want to be setting them up as just another food source for the big birds. And not sure if they could stay here...
  3. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Primo - Yeah, well in Texas to me that is a lake (considering Texas seems like the desert at at 110 degrees sometimes) lol - and yeah, I know it is a pond, but to me a large pond here in Texas is still a lake, since there is actually water in it most of the time :) So we TOTALLY agree!! LOL I...
  4. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Oh, and I guess I should be saying large pond rather than a lake. It is just a small part of the larger lake - but we get all the wildlife of what you see at a lake due to the woods and the larger connected lake, so I tend to call it our small lake rather than pond. lol - Sorry if I left anyone...
  5. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    I don't think it was a gator. Our lake is a man made lake that is connected to a soil conservation lake via a small spillway. Our lake is pretty small, and I would think I would see a gator if there was one around. Our house is pretty much all glass on one the side of the lake that overlooks the...
  6. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Not a gator, I live in North Texas. Maybe it was just a very brave coyote. I would have thought with that much activity around that they would not come and take a goose. Hubby running the tractor, my two dogs in and out all day, (Aussie and Golden Retriever) my daughter coming in and out...
  7. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Hi Guppy, Yeah, it is a strange one. Our geese are never more than a few steps from the water, so it would seem that maybe whatever got the goose either went into the water after it, catching the slowest one or it maybe came from overhead. As for the snapping turtles, they lurk at the...
  8. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Sourland - I really wish that was the case, but all of our other geese are totally freaked out and staying on the bank next to the house. I would really be surprised if a coyote took it with the hubby cutting the grass on the tractor that close, and same thing with the bobcat, but I suppose it...
  9. tatum123

    Help Please! Goose taken in broad daylight while....

    Please help me figure out what may have possibly happened to my goose. I had five Chinese geese, they were about 15 lb each and around 7 years old. A couple of days ago, just about one hour before sunset, while we were all at home (meaning we heard nothing) and my husband was on the tractor just...
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