Recent content by teacake

  1. teacake

    Coop Builders - What would you have changed or done differently?

    Hi I like your coop. I have a similar, smaller version in a cool wooden playhouse built in the 50's that came with the property. We built a large run outside of it. My problem is rats. Stupidly, I kept the wood floor of the play house instead of removing it and filling it with dirt, so there...
  2. teacake

    training a dog to leave chickens alone

    hello - well, it's not just any dog, it's an aussie. i have two myself and 9 chickens. anytime a mistake happens and they are together, all hell breaks loose and there are dogs with feathers in their mouths. they've never killed or hurt any yet, which is just luck. i'm not sure there is any true...
  3. teacake

    Weird Egg

    I want a fart egg, too! Cool.
  4. teacake

    mites = bare bottom?

    Hello - I had the same problem with one of my hens. The fluff on her bottom grew back. The skin on her bottom still looks very pinkish-red, but this is how it looks as they get older, according to my vet who took a look.
  5. teacake

    ALL my hens are going broody, ACK! What to do...

    I have one broody one who sits in the box that they all lay in. If she's in there, they climb on top of her and lay an egg on her back. Silly.
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