Recent content by TeaKettleK

  1. TeaKettleK

    "Rare Egg Layers"??

    Quote: Good dual purpose... layers and meat? I didn't realize bantam size chickens were good for either... How tiny are the tiny eggs?
  2. TeaKettleK

    "Rare Egg Layers"??

    Got new fuzzy butts, but as they can be one of about a dozen breeds, I have no idea what kinds we got! Help??
  3. TeaKettleK

    Across-the-street dogs

    This issue is with across-the-street neighbors. Our right-next-door neighbors have an invisible fence. We went and talked with them before we got the chickens. ...more to open the lines of communication than anything else. They've been great. Their dog hardly barks, much less hunts the...
  4. TeaKettleK

    7mo pullets attacked, many injured

    Bumping to say they look pretty much the same this morning. And aside from acting scared (understandably so!!) they all act pretty much fine? One came out and pecked with everyone this morning and then went back in and up on a roost, but she's not one of the obviously injured... They don't...
  5. TeaKettleK

    Across-the-street dogs

    Quote: Yup. Quote: Yup. 7:45 this morning, same dog was back, walking the fence (where we found the 1 dead), sniffed around the coop, walked on out to our back field. My son came busting in yelling, "mom, the dog is back! THAT DOG IS BACK!!" Was never so glad I slept in and not yet...
  6. TeaKettleK

    7mo pullets attacked, many injured

    Thanks, Jojo. Is the Blu-Kote spray not enough? Was it just OTC human antibiotic cream?
  7. TeaKettleK

    Across-the-street dogs

    Insight, please? We live out in the country with a couple acres and have great neighbors. But. They have 2 dogs who roam pretty free. They've gone mole hunting in my front yard, which I let go... They've gotten into our roadside trash waiting for pickup, the owners cleaned it all up... Our...
  8. TeaKettleK

    7mo pullets attacked, many injured

    Baby posted for me before I was ready. I finished the first post...
  9. TeaKettleK

    7mo pullets attacked, many injured

    Pretty sure the dogs across the street came over to play. I've got 1 dead, 4 pretty badly injured-- but only skin deep. Missing lots of feathers, there are feathers everywhere!! This happened this morning and so far they've all returned home and we've treated with Blu-Kote, and I added the...
  10. TeaKettleK

    Colored Rangers Grow Out Journal/ Video Added pg 11

    Awesome thread!! Bumping back to the first page. What kind did you choose to do this year??
  11. TeaKettleK

    First ever batch of meaties (Rangers) arrived!

    THANK YOU for posting about these!!! Seems like they are a nice compromise between the CornishX and the standard breeds. Just put my order in!!
  12. TeaKettleK

    New one on me....

    Did you try the raw eggs?
  13. TeaKettleK

    EE's are 29 weeks... still waiting (update! pic)

    Marie, I bow to your egg-bringing talent!
  14. TeaKettleK

    So it is said... Update, with pic!!!

    No. Freakin'. Way. Then I post this last night. This morning: That's my FIRST EGG next to a "large" white store-bought.
  15. TeaKettleK

    So it is said... Update, with pic!!!

    My sweet girls are going to be 26 weeks old tomorrow. not that I'm counting. We're still very patiently waiting on our first egg. We've sold 9 of our girls (since I had all pullets in my straight run ) and some of the ones I've sold are already laying. A bunch of the girls have been...
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