Recent content by ThalleyCreek

  1. ThalleyCreek

    Chickens in Forsyth County, GA / Cumming, GA - Zoning, permits and Codes

    There's a lot of misinformation out there... Here is an official response on 6/29/2018 from the Forsyth County Division Manager of Code Enforcement when asked about the legality of keeping chickens in the county. Currently chickens are only allowed in agriculture zoned parcels, and are not...
  2. ThalleyCreek


    Hey y'all, sorry to revive this thread but my question seems applicable. With the LP SmartSide, do you need to have a plywood backer? The LP siding is only 1/3" thick and will be serving as an interior and exterior wall without a plywood backer. I'd think even a 1/3" sheet of plywood would be...
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