Recent content by The Old Whittler

  1. The Old Whittler

    Automatic Coop Door

    Since chickens and predators both go by the amount of light and not by a clock I think I'll stick with a door opener that goes by the amount of light to open and close. Just my opinion. lol
  2. The Old Whittler

    Automatic Coop Door

    This door has a timer delay built in it that keeps the door from closing too early and locking your chickens out. If you'll notice most security lights will come on about 10-15 minutes before it's completely dark outside and that's just the way photocells work. The photocell that this coop door...
  3. The Old Whittler

    Automatic Coop Door

    This door has a light that is meant to be mounted on the outside of your coop that comes on when the coop door is closed. It's should be mounted in a place that can be seen from your home. You can look at the light any time of the day and tell if the door is opened or closed. Here's a link to...
  4. The Old Whittler

    Automatic Coop Door

    I've been using two of these for over a year and I haven't had a either one fail to work. They seem to be very dependable and I totally trust them.
  5. The Old Whittler

    Automatic Coop Door

    Do you ever get tired of having to let your chickens out of the coop in the morning and having to go back out every night to close 'em up to make sure they're safe at night. Watch this video it might be your answer. This will make your life much easier.
  6. The Old Whittler

    Girly Coop

    It is a girly coop but it's a nice one. Enjoy your chickens they're very enjoyable.
  7. The Old Whittler

    Hard boiled eggs?

    Well, I've tried steaming newly laid eggs (less than 24 hours old) many different ways and the best I've done is steaming them for 15 minutes then putting them in ice water for 5 or 6 minutes. After pealing they came out about 98% good which was not too bad. As some have said here on BYC it's...
  8. The Old Whittler

    Nest boxes per chicken? PLEASE reply snd help, starting consturction soon!!

    I have 10 hens and 6 nest boxes. Six just fit my design when I built my tractor. I kept my boxes closed off until I got my first egg then I opened up only three until more started laying. After a few more started laying I opened up the other three and so far my girls have only used the first...
  9. The Old Whittler

    Egg eating chickens :( suggestions?

    Thanks ChicKat!!! I built it last summer and have enjoyed it very much, so much I'm thinking of building another one, this time not much bigger but a little different design that will hold a few more chickens.
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