Recent content by The ruler of the roost

  1. The ruler of the roost

    Show in Reno area

    The link is Just found it... it's Nov. 20-21st!
  2. The ruler of the roost

    Show in Reno area

    In doing a small amount of research, it appears that in the past, the show was in November.
  3. The ruler of the roost

    7 Months and No Eggs

    Chickens need an average of 14 hours of "sunlight" per day. Also consider this to be a time when they are molting - which most chickens stop laying during this time. Also, make sure that you are providing them with a proper amount of nutrition (laying mash/pellets; oyster shell, etc..) Don't...
  4. The ruler of the roost

    Winterizing coop in Maine

    Great suggestions overall, my input would be to use Vaseline (or off-brand) on your chickens combs - this prevents / reduces frostbite. You'll have to put it on each time temps get down to freezing (should this be an issue where you live).
  5. The ruler of the roost

    Coop Envy

    My husband would like to say Thank you for ruining his Monday with that picture! Oh my goodness...what "act" must I commence upon thee to obtain such a wonderful gift, I ask myself... wink wink.
  6. The ruler of the roost

    Bay area, Fort bragg, Willits, Ukiah, Sacramento, Tracy, CA or Reno

    I'm in Carson City and I'd be interested in sharing your order.
  7. The ruler of the roost

    What do you do with all the hatchings?

    Wow! I have to say THANK YOU to those who put in their comments! I'm on an acre and would love to have it filled with farm animals...
  8. The ruler of the roost

    How long do I wait as of day 21?

    It's a still air. Rut what? What should my temp be?
  9. The ruler of the roost

    What do you do with all the hatchings?

    Okay, being a newbie to the owning of a bator....what do you do with all the (hopeful) hatchlings? I could go crazy with incubating, but fearful of having hundreds of lil' chickies! Do you sell them, give them away? what??
  10. The ruler of the roost

    Eggs out of turner

    Best of luck! I'm on day 21, nothing as of yet... have to say a bit nervous as well.
  11. The ruler of the roost

    How long do I wait as of day 21?

    Thank you! I have not candled them. Wasn't sure if I should open the bator to do so. (?) Humidity is right on!
  12. The ruler of the roost

    How long do I wait as of day 21?

    What do I do if none of my eggs in my bator hatch as of the 21st day? I have not opened it and the temp has been an average of 99.5 to 100 degrees. Please help
  13. The ruler of the roost

    Frustrated with my rooster

    Any suggestions on how to "train" my rooster from crowing starting at 3am???? I've installed a light to stay on until 12am hoping it would keep him awake longer, and want to sleep in... but it's not working! He crows continuously every 30 seconds or so, then will stop for a while then begins...
  14. The ruler of the roost

    Ready For Occupancy

    Fantastic job! Love your pictures! Now all you need to do is take some updated pics with your chickens!!
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