Recent content by TheGreenArrow

  1. TheGreenArrow

    Yesterday in Hannover (Germany) on the "133th German youngpoultry exhibition"

    that's true! When I saw it I thought to myself: now or never. I then chose "now". ;-) I have now even get a second breeding line with a cock and 5 hens. Let's see what hatches next year so.
  2. TheGreenArrow

    Yesterday in Hannover (Germany) on the "133th German youngpoultry exhibition"

    Apologies that I have bulged as long for the answer. I am very glad, that you like my silver bantam-Bielefelder. They belong here in Germany still a rarity. The color is still very new and not yet ready grown to 100%. The term means the same thing. ;-) The exhibition in Hannover is the...
  3. TheGreenArrow

    Yesterday in Hannover (Germany) on the "133th German youngpoultry exhibition"

    Hi, after a long search I finally had luck an found the matching chickens for my new breeding line. Now I finally have a breeding line of " pigmy Bielefelder Kennhuhn" in the color "silver Kennsperber" I have searched a long time for a suitable animal, as this color is very rare in Germany.
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