Recent content by TheHeresAmber

  1. TheHeresAmber

    Comment by 'TheHeresAmber' in article 'A basic Q&A Turkey Primer'

    This was very helpful. I had a random turkey show up at my house a few months ago and she hasn't left. She's integrated herself into my flock of chickens and is very friendly. We've named her Freida
  2. TheHeresAmber

    Broody turkey on unfertilized eggs

    Ok so if you look in my post history you'll see that a few months ago I had a random turkey hen show up and integrate herself into my flock of chickens. She's getting really tame and we've named her Freida . Anyway, Freida is very happy and comfortable with us and lives a very privileged life...
  3. TheHeresAmber

    I have a surprise turkey

    This is what wild turkeys look like her is Australia, which is why I'm pretty sure she is domestic. Your rooster is a handsome man
  4. TheHeresAmber

    I have a surprise turkey

    Sh She's amazing. I never knew that had such personality
  5. TheHeresAmber

    I have a surprise turkey

    It's not an amazing photo, but here she is. I haven't heard of wild turkeys in Australia. We do have bush turkeys which are native to Australia and have red and yellow heads. Also, she's very tame. She comes right up to us for food. She was standing at my front door with my chooks gobbling for food
  6. TheHeresAmber

    I have a surprise turkey

    I'm in Australia so we're in Autumn right now. Spring isn't for another 6 months. I'm also pretty rural and animal dumping is quite common here.
  7. TheHeresAmber

    I have a surprise turkey

    I was out all day Wednesday and came home to a random female turkey hanging out with my flock of chooks. I've posted her on Facebook and went around asking all the neighbours but nobody around me has turkeys or knows where she came from. Everyone seems to think she was dumped, which would make...
  8. TheHeresAmber

    Sexing goslings

    This is what the parents looked like. It's a photo taken by the owner
  9. TheHeresAmber

    Sexing goslings

    I'm dubious about their breed too. I'm not too worried as they are only pets to us. I just managed to vent sex the lighter one and it's a boy.
  10. TheHeresAmber

    Sexing goslings

    Hey guys, About a month ago I got 2 goslings who were sold as pilgrims. They were only 6 and 3 days old and they both looked exactly the same. Over the next couple of weeks the slightly older one got a lighter face and beak and the younger one stayed dark. From what I've read, it looks like I...
  11. TheHeresAmber

    Something wrong with gosling's eye?

    It's a crap photo (goslings are very energetic) but it's just a lumpy eyelid to be honest. Now that he's a little bit older it does just look like a scar or just a weird eyelid
  12. TheHeresAmber

    Something wrong with gosling's eye?

    Thanks for your reply I've mainly just been keeping the eye clean. I've had a closer look since posting this is it seems like it's actually part of the eyelid? Like a scar or deformity. My best guess is that it could have scratched itself on the shell while hatching
  13. TheHeresAmber

    Something wrong with gosling's eye?

    I have a gosling here with a weird lump on its eyelid. It doesn't seem too bothered. It looks like either a scar/irritation or a minor deformity to me. Thoughts?
  14. TheHeresAmber

    Late developers

    Don't give up just yet. I had nothing until late into day 23. Now it's day 24 and I have a baby that hatched this morning and another on the way
  15. TheHeresAmber

    Finally got a pip on day 23

    Baby hatched! We got a quick photo and cuddle in while we changed the light bulb in his box We have another one who's started hatching too
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