Recent content by thelastrabbit

  1. thelastrabbit

    Canadians check in here....

    We locked them up in heat too, debating letting them out tomorrow. Always leaves me wondering, were they too hot or just being plain stupid. LOL
  2. thelastrabbit

    Canadians check in here....

    We got home to find the entire flock sitting outside in the cold. They are all alive and seem normal, but what the heck!
  3. thelastrabbit

    Finally a dry chicken pen!

    Would you share a photo by chance? I would love to see as we need to do this too.
  4. thelastrabbit

    Canadians check in here....

    Needing some advice from my Alberta family on here. We are in year two with a flock. Began with runners and they did fine last winter. Now we have chickens as well and I felt like I agreed with the “no heat lamp” crowd until this week. Stopped at Peavey Mart on the way home and grabbed one. Now...
  5. thelastrabbit

    Sick 7 Week Old Indian Runner

    Concern: 7 week old runt Indian runner duckling far behind on growth, now cannot walk or stand. Remainder of flock is full adult size and now mistakenly trample him. Purpose of post: We are a family raising ducks purely for fun as pets. We love them and don’t plan to eat them and don’t judge...
  6. thelastrabbit

    Poly-tonine a complex: Small portion mix amount?

    I found 2tbsp per gallon online last night.
  7. thelastrabbit

    Saskatoon Berries - Are they Safe?

    Are Saskatoon Berries safe for chickens and ducks?
  8. thelastrabbit

    New Ducklings Intro to Dad

    Hi all, Our hen hatched 9 runner ducklings on the 1st of the month. We have the run and coop space sectioned off and all seem to be doing well. Our drake (proud daddy) sits just in the other side of the fence all day trying to be part of the family, mom is also seeming to miss the drake. I have...
  9. thelastrabbit

    June Hatch A Long

    These babies squeaked in the 30th! We had 7 on the 30th and 8 on the first. I went out after work to change water to count 9 and 10 coming out of an egg slowly. I believe there are 3 more eggs to go under mama.
  10. thelastrabbit

    Runner Ducklings Hatched by Mom

    Yup! That’s what I’m doing now. :pop
  11. thelastrabbit

    Chirpy has hatched 4 ducklings

    Did you lose any? Our mama just began hatching today and I’m so worried! I’m trusting she will take care of them ok.
  12. thelastrabbit

    Runner Ducklings Hatched by Mom

    Hi all, our hen has hatched three of 9 or so eggs today! We are excited but worried about survival. Prior to the hatch we were 100% ok with “let nature run its course” and now I’m worried about their survival. Should I just let mom handle her business or should we pull the babies into a brooder...
  13. thelastrabbit

    Natural Branch Roosts

    This is great, and cute kiddo! Do you find they prefer them to the 2x4’s?
  14. thelastrabbit

    Natural Branch Roosts

    Hello! Would anyone with natural branch roosts be willing to share images of their roosting area? Finally added a new coop today and need to setup the interior.
  15. thelastrabbit

    Hello from Gibbons, Alberta!

    Hello, We moved to an acreage last year and began our adventure with 7 Indian runner ducks. This spring we got 6 U of A heritage chicks. We are a bit disappointed that 4 of them are cockerels. ‍♀️ The family has voted to keep one of the cockerels but we can’t decide which one. Our runner hen...
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