Recent content by ThePamperedChick

  1. ThePamperedChick

    My chicken has sticktight fleas

    We're dealing with a really bad outbreak in Southern California. I've used DE in the roosting areas and egg laying boxes-it does't work on fleas. I tried poultry dust-also didn't work. I power washed and sprayed everything (including chickens) with 10% permethrin- it doesn't kill the entire flea...
  2. ThePamperedChick

    Help heat stress

    Today, it is ungodly hot and humid which is so rare for our climate. This feels like the Eastern Seaboard. Having rare humidity, I'm not aware what happens with misters and fans? Wouldn't large box fan moving air over ice work?
  3. ThePamperedChick

    Help heat stress

    Try adding B-12 liquid vitamin (for poultry) and electrolytes in their drinking water. Both help in time of stress. I've seen photos of chickens in swimming pools floating along, very content with themselves. Why not try a kiddie pool. They may not take to it at first but with persistence they...
  4. ThePamperedChick

    Heat Stress Not Abating...And Now This...! Weird Mass

    You've probably done all you can, and should take comfort in the exceptional care you've given her. Keep her comfortable, talk to her softly from time to time, music helps (soft tempo-nothing loud or energetic and let nature run its course.
  5. ThePamperedChick

    Heat Stress: At what point should you intervene?

    Use a powerful box fan and blow air over the ice and water- instant AC. Install water misters, they connect directly to a garden hose or spigot and will lower air temperature dramatically. Don't wait until your chickens look stressed, it may be too late by then.
  6. ThePamperedChick

    Help heat stress

    Use water misters all around the run and by openings to the coop. This will dramatically lower air temperature and heat stress. It really works.
  7. ThePamperedChick

    Heat Stress: At what point should you intervene?

    I use water misters, they reduce air temperature and the chickens are less stressed.
  8. ThePamperedChick

    What breed is she?

    Likely ‘barnyard mix’ who will lay tinted eggs.
  9. ThePamperedChick

    Corrugated plastic roof

    I installed both corrugated metal and clear plastic in sections to provide both sunlight and shade from overhead sun. Has worked well for now 10 years. However, will lift in high winds on the edges, leaving gaps for easy predator entry. Install mesh or chicken wire first and staple to roof...
  10. ThePamperedChick

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 12/30/13 - Picture by Ruby Mia

    Who you callin' a mighty mite.... yo mama's a guinea
  11. ThePamperedChick

    Do crows go after 7 week old chicks?

    Yes, yes yes! I lost five baby silkies (3wks old) to crow(s). Chicks were outside on the grass in a covered wooden box. I thought it was safe to leave them for awhile and returned to find cover off and leg parts left behind. Crows kept flying low and checking for more many days after. Finally...
  12. ThePamperedChick

    Great remedy for hot birds

    OMG- dh read my post and said it soundedly like all 50 chickens were in the same 6x8 house!!! For those already turning purple, only my original six live there. I had to add additional structures as the flock (with roosters) grew larger. The original chickenhouse was built with drywall and...
  13. ThePamperedChick

    Great remedy for hot birds

    After reading the "commercial" chicken comment, I must agree it is inappropriate for the BYC site. The name says it all. We are primarily hobbiests with a passion for 'wacky' birds who live in everything from Chicken McMansions to recycled pallets. We are a support group for chickoholics, not a...
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