Recent content by Three chickens

  1. Three chickens

    Not getting enough water from nipple waterer?

    When I put more water in the bucket and put the. Top on it would work for a little while then make a seal and stop working till I drilled a little hole in the top
  2. Three chickens

    Not getting enough water from nipple waterer?

    I had the same problem and found that the lid made a seal and the water wouldn’t come out of the nipple. had to drill a little hole in the top to let air in.
  3. Three chickens

    Chicken pupping water

    Chicken pupping water
  4. Three chickens

    Guinea attracted to picture

    Welcome to backyard chickens!
  5. Three chickens

    Hens Pecking

    Your run is good size. Hope someone chimes in here. I was wondering the same thing.
  6. Three chickens

    Hens Pecking

    I had two leghorn 5 month old pullets just starting to lay. Started picking my other birds and I had to give them away. I hated to see them go.
  7. Three chickens

    It's me again....

    Keep us posted on your trader joe eggs.
  8. Three chickens

    Coop recommendations?

    Don't mean to be a downer but a raccoon can pull a chicken right thru the chicken wire. It's not a pretty sight. I've had it happen.
  9. Three chickens

    Pullets or cockerels?

    Both cockerels.
  10. Three chickens

    New to chickens

    Welcome to backyard chicken!
  11. Three chickens

    Newbie from Scotland!

    Hello putting them in a separate run so they can see each other would be great.
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