Recent content by Tiegrsi

  1. Tiegrsi

    Beautiful bantams: D’Uccle discussion

    Thanks. As far as future breeding of D'Uccles, he was my first choice...but I decided to keep one of the smaller boys instead as my first reason for getting them was a future project involving sizes of birds as opposed to a specific existing breed. I kept this boy. He may be a bit too spangled...
  2. Tiegrsi

    Beautiful bantams: D’Uccle discussion

    Thanks GldnValleyHens. If you lived closer I would gladly give you one! I only got 2 pullets in the bunch, with 6 cockerels! I am definitely keeping the 2 girls, but I can only keep 1 boy (and I have to get rid of them super soon). I have not yet found the standard to read it but I will look...
  3. Tiegrsi

    Beautiful bantams: D’Uccle discussion

    Hello! I just recently got some Mille Fleur D'Uccles and I know very little about them but I am looking up info as quick as I can. I was hoping someone else here might be able to give me an educated opinion on which of these 6 cockerels I should keep. I don't have individual pics of them...
  4. Tiegrsi

    American serama thread!

    I am new to seramas...not planning to necessarily breed them, but when I got this little guy, he was still young, and I bought him for a project and chose him because he did NOT "stand" like the Seramas usually do - I wanted him only because he was so small. As he aged he started looking more...
  5. Tiegrsi

    Frizzle Frazzle, Sizzle Sazzle Thread...

    I have a tiny Bantam Polish Frizzle (I think). He (also I think) is about half the size of a hatchmate I also have. I just got them 2 days ago.
  6. Tiegrsi

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    He is looking very good! I don't mind the comb so much...breed him to a hen with a very nice comb and that should be corrected for his sons. His copper is a very nice shade, which I like. I've seen a lot lately that seem to be tending toward straw colored...way too light. I like the width of his...
  7. Tiegrsi

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    This is why I never got interested in photography...even the natural light can mess up a photo! Lol. And thank you.
  8. Tiegrsi

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    They are looking great, Blue eager! The one in the 4th picture looks like it is starting to develop a mulberry color on it's face, but the rest still look very dark. Gorgeous birds. :) Mine, now at 12 weeks, have feathered in with some leakage. Only one is very silver, though. I actually love...
  9. Tiegrsi

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    I think this is one of those attributes that each breeder can decide for themselves, within certain parameters, and is one thing that can make a line unique - you'll know who the breeder is by what the specific attributes are. I personally like a moderate amount of color. My best hen has good...
  10. Tiegrsi

    Incubator was off...

    Thanks for your replies, everyone! I candled the eggs last night, and had to remove 17 out of the original 46. Many of those were clears, so I think that was part of my problem with my previous hatches. I DO have only one rooster, and 12 maybe he's not getting the job done for...
  11. Tiegrsi

    Incubator was off...

    How likely is it to affect the incubating eggs if the incubator was off for several hours? It was likely about 5 hours that it was unplugged before it was noticed and plugged back in. The air temp read 84 degrees and the eggs felt cool to the touch. I am so disappointed...I was counting on...
  12. Tiegrsi

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Seeing all the comments about cheap birds being poor quality upsets me. I charge $8-$10/each for unsexed day olds when I sell them, and I consider my birds to be good quality. No one in my local area would consider paying more for babies, eapecially now that TSC sells "French Black Copper"...
  13. Tiegrsi

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    We eat (or sell to someone else who will EAT) all of the rude boys. I've never had a mean HEN before. I honestly know very little about the group she came from, as the breeder was not wonderful at keeping up communication. Or maybe I just asked too many questions for his taste and he got sick of...
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