Recent content by tielz

  1. tielz

    Black Silkie Rooster needs a new home

    This is a picture that I have in my albums. I can take newer ones if needed. He had his Merek's vaccination and has been fed an organic pellet diet since he arrived. I also feed live, organic fed mealworms as treats. Thank you!
  2. tielz

    Anxiety Disorder Cockatiel

    Have you taken him to an avian vet to rule out any physical causes (bacteria, fungus, parasite)? This would be the first step to helping him to heal. I have a hen here who is 3 and for the first year decided to over preen. This turned into random plucking of her down feathers. The vet ruled...
  3. tielz

    Black Silkie Rooster needs a new home

    I have a black silkie bantam rooster that I would like to find a new home for. I have a very small coop and more than one rooster is not working. I bought straight run chicks from Positively Polish and Seriously Silkie this spring, so he is only a few months old. I am located in SW PA...
  4. tielz

    Pip after cat attack update

    I don't know when your cat attack was, but cats transmit bacteria via their claws and teeth. This can cause a bird to become septic. How is your chicken acting now? I just read your post 7hrs after you posted.
  5. tielz

    Found Budgie(Parakeet)

    Please post this on the facebook group Parrot 911
  6. tielz

    New Member in SW PA

    Thank you all. Can anyone recommend coops that can be found locally? I want something that will last and have an attached run.
  7. tielz

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello. I am new to the group and live outside of Claysville. Admin sent me to this thread from Introductions. I am hoping to meet other people in the area who raise bantam breeds, mainly silky. I had several types of chickens, mostly rare breeds, silkies, guinea fowl, button quail, and some...
  8. tielz

    New Member in SW PA

    Thank you! I will head over to the PA forum. Feed stores have said they don't know what they will get and when. They have a minimum order of 25 if I special order.
  9. tielz

    New Member in SW PA

    I am new to the group and getting back into my chickens after almost 10 years of not having them due to life changes and moving. I miss having my chickens in the yard and now I am back on my own farm. I am glad that I found this group and look forward to reading and learning from others on the...
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