Recent content by TimeMist

  1. TimeMist

    Black well formed poop

    I thought I read on here that around every 7th poo a chicken did was blackish in colour (I was worried because I spotted black poo from my chicken not long after I got them)
  2. TimeMist

    pekin with stetching out neck mouth stretches open

    Not to mention that depending on what part of the world you are posting from most people might be ASLEEP! Even though you were rude I will answer. Sounds like it could be gape worm. Do a search on here and you will find plenty of info on it.
  3. TimeMist

    I chickened out, couldn't cull her (SEE PG 6)

    Wow I'm in AWE!!! I wouldn't know what to take out? Don't they poo and lay an egg out the same part, how did you figure it all out. I'm just so impressed. I have a hen that alternated between internally laying and laying shell-less eggs. 3 times now she has swelled up and been so ill I was...
  4. TimeMist

    What are your tricks for getting oral meds down a chicken?

    Yeah I put the wormer in their water too. For oral medication ie antibiotics, I open their mouth then stick a finger from my left hand inbetween the beach on the side to keep the mouth open, then I use my right hand to operator the eye dropper with the medicine.
  5. TimeMist

    Need help! Laying first egg, something's wrong graphic picture*egg^ *

    No!!!!! Oh I'm so sorry How very very sad. I hope the egg hatches.
  6. TimeMist

    Culling - Is This Humane?

    This is what I use, and a wooden block (piece of firewood etc) You can't get quicker than this and it's instant. Just give the chopper a sharpen before use. I would NEVER suffocate an animal to death, I don't care how apparently humane it is. Think about your prefered method if it were you...
  7. TimeMist

    URGENT: Mites or Lice on Already Near-Dead Hen- How to Remove?

    I hope you can save her. I rescued one from a friend, the hen was badly infested as well but died before the treatment. They really do suck them dry don't they Good luck and let us know how it's going.
  8. TimeMist

    Swollen Squishy Abdomen?

    My internal layers tummy does that when she has layed internally.
  9. TimeMist

    Wound care advice, please

    Did you read the article Glenda posted? I think that gives the best advice you are going to find in terms of treatment.
  10. TimeMist

    Preparing for "surgery"

    I did my first bumblefoot surgery about a month ago. I was really nervous. I did learn a couple of things, in that to try not to make the incision in one cut. Make a shallow incision, then cut a little deeper with the nect cut, then deeper with the next. My mistake was trying to cut too deep...
  11. TimeMist

    Mis-shaped, thin shelled eggs

    It's only a small amount per gallon. There is no way it will hurt their eyes My ex-battery hens were laying really thin eggs, and no amount of extra calcium seemed to do the trick. It wasn't till I wormed them that they suddenly started to come right. I'm not sure why but maybe it was...
  12. TimeMist

    button quail chick with HUGE neck blister! HELP!!

    Is there anything that it could have caught it's neck on? A small bit of wire sticking out of a cage, anything like that? I think you should just monitor it's size for now. If it starts to get bigger then you may want to drain it. It shouldn't bleed very much if at all. You would require a...
  13. TimeMist

    button quail chick with HUGE neck blister! HELP!!

    Has she had any injections at all on that side? I have seen swellings like that around an injection site. I have also seen the same thing on a wild bird after having a puncture wound from a cat.
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