Recent content by Tinaln

  1. Tinaln

    lost 14 of 15 peachicks...can anyone help?

    Thanks, this is very helpful.
  2. Tinaln

    lost 14 of 15 peachicks...can anyone help?

    Thanks for infi. My pea chicks cannot get through the fence and they have an indoor coop. I think the medicine chest idea and worming is the best bet for now, better a little late than never.
  3. Tinaln

    lost 14 of 15 peachicks...can anyone help?

    Thanks, I will start getting those things together soon.
  4. Tinaln

    lost 14 of 15 peachicks...can anyone help?

    Thanks for info. My pea chicks cannot get through the fence and they have an indoor coop. I think the medicine chest idea and worming is the best bet for now, better a little late than never.
  5. Tinaln

    lost 14 of 15 peachicks...can anyone help?

    This has happened to us the last two years! We ended up with only one chick making it to adulthood both years. Our hen has just started laying and we will try worming them regularly starting before hatching. Not sure what else to try. My husband was convinced that the adults were somehow...
  6. Tinaln

    Chicken Tractor

    Chelsea is about 1/2 way between Ann Arbor & Jackson. Approximately 20 miles from each.
  7. Tinaln

    Chicken Tractor

    That is a good idea! I made a milk stand for my goats with pvc pipe which worked pretty good except my ornery nanny broke one of the pipes by pulling & charging forward trying to get out. :(
  8. Tinaln

    Chicken Tractor

    We just built 2, 8' x 4' A frame tractors for 10 chicks each. Everything but the wire was repurposed materials & took two of us about 5 hours to build with no real plans. The wheels & handle have to be added yet & will stain or oil the wood.
  9. Tinaln

    Questions about Pea Fowl

    I have had my peacock & hen housed with 5 guineas since last fall & all was well...untill about 3 weeks ago. Gineas like to see themselves in a mirror, I waited for fair weather then installed a large mirror from the thrift store in the outdoor run, the peacock was injuring himself in attacking...
  10. Tinaln

    Free "rare" mystery chick? UPDATE: New Pictures!

    I think it's 'Chickens for Backyards' that offers a mystery chick but you have to order & pay for it. I guess it's just buying a chick that is their choice.
  11. Tinaln

    Free "rare" mystery chick? UPDATE: New Pictures!

    It's so cute, looks like it's posing.
  12. Tinaln

    Massive Rant

    Most likely! HaHa!
  13. Tinaln

    Sad day

    It does seem rediculous to allow noisy dogs but not roosters. Many years ago I lived in the center of a small town and had chickens complete with roosters & our neighbors loved hearing them! Said it made them feel more rural. We live outside of town now in a semi-agricultural area where all of...
  14. Tinaln

    Hi from south Michigan

    Thanks & shame on me I forgot to include my 3 wonderful kitties! How do I get my location added? I found it, nevermind. :)
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