Recent content by tlcchickens

  1. tlcchickens

    Opinions on sex of this bird?

    It's really that pink. Sorry for the picture quality. They are so fast! I'll try to get a better one with a real camera instead of using my phone.
  2. tlcchickens

    Opinions on sex of this bird?

    I'm not good at this. This is a 10-week-old chick. Thoughts?
  3. tlcchickens

    Chattanooga, TN (surrounding areas) CHICKEN LOVERS

    I'm in the Chattanooga area and looking for up to 4 pullets or laying hens that are for sale locally. I'm not picky about breeds at all, just need good layers. We've built a much, much bigger coop and would like to increase the size of the flock.
  4. tlcchickens

    Should I take the eggs away from the hen?

    Update! I went out last night after dark to take the other 4 eggs. I only found 3... But she was waking up and getting upset with me, so I took the 3 and figured I'd get the 4th later. I float tested the 3, and all sank. This morning, I took my class of preschoolers out to see the baby chick...
  5. tlcchickens

    Should I take the eggs away from the hen?

    To answer the question of where I got the eggs--they were all laid by my 3 hens within a few days of each other. The broody gathered them herself.
  6. tlcchickens

    Should I take the eggs away from the hen?

    I'm still a newbie... I've had my little flock for several months. I have two hens who I think are going to go broody often. I've broken them twice each because we didn't have room for more chickens (even though I WANTED MORE! ) We finally finished a bigger coop just as a hen went broody yet...
  7. tlcchickens


    You should not let the chick eat laying pellets--switch the mother to starter feed now since they're starting to hatch. How exciting! Chicks can't handle the calcium in layer feed. If you don't have mother hen and chicks segregated and are switching a whole flock to starter feed, you need to...
  8. tlcchickens

    Help My dogs got out and killed my neighbors chickens....

    Wow, you are definitely being fair to them. They can buy new laying hens for way less than $40 unless they're some special breed. I applaud you for taking responsibility, and I'm sorry about your dogs.
  9. tlcchickens

    Broody Hen Thread!

    You guys are giving great advice. This totally makes sense. I guess having her locked in the coop for a few days may break her of her broodiness (right?,) and then we can change things up to make room for more before we hatch or buy more. We were only going to keep one, assuming at least one was...
  10. tlcchickens

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I love the idea of basically making the under-deck area into a coop. I agree that the coop is small--I have the "I want more chickens!" disease, and I'm working on getting the hubby to agree to expand. I haven't worried about the small coop because they are literally only in it to roost. They...
  11. tlcchickens

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Hi! I would like to know if you more experienced chicken parents think I'm handling my broody hen ok or... not well. My chickens free range during daylight hours. They have the run of a pretty large property and usually travel all around our house and a few yards into the woods surrounding...
  12. tlcchickens

    Am I making my new rooster too anxious?

    Thanks for the replies. I let him out for a few hours before dusk, and he went right back in with the hens when it was time to roost.
  13. Poach, obviously a mutt, my first hen to start laying!

    Poach, obviously a mutt, my first hen to start laying!

  14. Omelet, obviously a mutt and the most tame of the flock.

    Omelet, obviously a mutt and the most tame of the flock.

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