Recent content by tmcc888

  1. tmcc888

    Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

    I breed and raise Wheaton Ameraucanas in Southern Ontario Canada. I prefer this coulour as they have a sex linked colour gene that allows for very early sexing. As early as 5-6 days old. I invested in this breed for their tolerance to cold weather as we have some nasty winters here. Mine free...
  2. tmcc888


    Have you had any luck finding any? I am in Ontario. I breed Ameraucanas and EE's. Looking to add new genetics to my flock but seems there are very few Canadians on here. Once my girls start laying more consistently I can send you some. I would charge $25 plus shipping per doz. And if you hear of...
  3. tmcc888

    Hello From Ontario Canada

    Been raising Chickens for 5 years or so now. I have ameraucanas, Bantam Cochins and Rhode Island Reds. Plus I breed some crosses of each.
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