Recent content by TMRaddict123

  1. TMRaddict123

    Pet chicken!!!

  2. TMRaddict123

    Pet chicken!!!

    Thanks, all of your advice is AMAZING. If you have any more, please feel free to post
  3. TMRaddict123

    Pet chicken!!!

    I did it! I washed the car without him asking me to and I also took out the bins which was a disgusting task so... Oh and I also cleaned the floors and carpet. :) I think it's too early to ask yet though. I have end of year tests for a whole week the week after this so I have to study too! But...
  4. TMRaddict123

    Pet chicken!!!

    Thank you so much!
  5. TMRaddict123

    Pet chicken!!!

    Oh and I also said I would do a homework and chore deal with him. The answer was no :(
  6. TMRaddict123

    Pet chicken!!!

    Hey, I am TMRaddict(123), I am 12 years old and I live in England. My old account stopped working so I had to switch. I was wondering for any help convincing my parents to allow pet chicken(2). My mum and brother are with the idea but I can't convince dad. I have shown responsibility and EVEN...
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