Recent content by tomwinfl

  1. tomwinfl

    Seeding bare ground for pasture

    We left our temporary fence in the same place for too long, and the hens completely denuded it. Now that we've relocated them we want to seed the bare ground with a pasture mix that will be good forage for them. We're in North Florida, Zone 8B, and we're concerned that some things might not...
  2. tomwinfl

    (Somewhat) unexpected hatchlings

    Our broody hen has some hatchlings! They're a cross from a Rhode Island Red rooster and Golden Comet hens. We're not sure what to do; they're in a nesting box 4 feet off the ground, and there are several more eggs to hatch yet. Should we try to move mom, eggs and chicks to an empty coop, or to...
  3. tomwinfl

    Hardware cloth vs 1" poultry wire

    I'm working on my next tractor. It will be big enough to walk into, and I'm trying to keep the weight down. The frame is bent conduit and 1x4s. I'm using half inch hardware cloth for the first 4 feet above ground, but I'm thinking of using 1" chicken wire for the upper parts. This has worked for...
  4. tomwinfl

    Making cleaning easier with a wooden tractor coop and interior lights question

    Haven't tried it yet, but I've been thinking a good cheap surface for easy cleaning might be that corrugated plastic stuff they make campaign signs out of. They come in all sizes, and there should be a lot of it available.
  5. tomwinfl


    I'm in rural north Florida, near the Suwanee River. My neighbor and I have been raising chickens for meat and eggs for about 2 years, for our own consumption. I have a particular interest in tractors; I've built 2 and working on a third.
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