Recent content by tracy1617

  1. tracy1617

    Australorp with laying comb - Is this ok?

    Thank you. She is walking around, clucking and eating. What would cause her comb to be like this? I can take a closer photo and post it. Thank you!
  2. tracy1617

    Australorp with laying comb - Is this ok?

    So I have read that a comb can tell you if your chicken is healthy or sick. We have a 25 week old australorp whose comb kinda piles on top of each other. I believe she is also the one who layed the last two rubber eggs. She had layed hard shelled eggs up until we moved them into their new...
  3. tracy1617

    10 wk Barred Rock with right eye closed, will open at times

    Please help advise on this situation. I noticed today That my 10 week old Barred Rock tends to keep her right eye closed. She will open it at times as well. My children said they noticed it a couple days ago. No discharge from nose or eyes. She may sound more nasally. Seems to be eating...
  4. tracy1617

    Baby chick that wont grow!

    I also have a Silver Laced Wyandotte that doesn't seem to want to grow. She eats, drinks and sleeps just like the rest. She is three weeks old and looks like a 7 day old chick. She has little feathers that were starting to pop out,but then stopped. She loves us and loves attention. Seems to be...
  5. tracy1617

    HELP: WRY NECK Baby Silkie with Wry Neck

    My week old bantam silkie has wry neck. I am having a very difficult time figuring out how to have her ingest the poly vi sol, vit E and selenium liquid. Any suggestions? I added chicken supplement feed to their food which also has vit E and selenium. Please help. Thank you!
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