Recent content by TribeWild

  1. TribeWild

    Normal, Spoiled or Starving?

    Thank you for the suggestion! We'll have to try that. No, we don't let them out to graze right now because the neighbors let their dogs run free and we've found them in our yard multiple times. Until neighbor gets their fence up (which they've been saying they would for a year) the chickens...
  2. TribeWild

    Normal, Spoiled or Starving?

    Our yard currently isn't safe to let them out of the run (neighbors let their dogs run loose and they've already terrorized the chickens through the sides of the run before) but we are planning on expanding the run this fall.
  3. TribeWild

    Normal, Spoiled or Starving?

    We are going back to the old feed because we don't care for the quality of the new feed and, like you said, they pick through and eat what they like best, which is a waste.
  4. TribeWild

    Normal, Spoiled or Starving?

    Hahaha very true!!
  5. TribeWild

    Normal, Spoiled or Starving?

    Thank you! I wasn't sure how to check for underweight chickens so that is very helpful to know!
  6. TribeWild

    Normal, Spoiled or Starving?

    We have 6 chickens (3 rhode island red and 3 ameraucanas) who just all started laying in the past month and a half. A few months ago the local grocery stores had lots of sales on corn, so we would buy some and give the ladies an ear a day as a treat. About 3 weeks ago we switched them to a...
  7. TribeWild

    Almost finished with our A-Frame coop!

    Haha we have talked about that but we realized that the shed behind the coop on the picture is falling down so I think we're are going to use the old barn as storage instead and just add on to this coop later when get more chickens. We've already started talking about how we plan to add to it...
  8. TribeWild

    Almost finished with our A-Frame coop!

    I might be off on the price, and I sure we didn't build some parts as cost effective as we could have, but the initially we spent $300 in supplies, then had to go back two more times for other things we forgot or messed up, which was about $100-130 more. It's also braced pretty well - we were...
  9. TribeWild

    Almost finished with our A-Frame coop!

    We originally were going to convert an old single stall horse barn into a giant coop, but weather, my husband work schedule and cost all worked against us and the ladies were quickly running out of room in the brooder so we ended up just building a smaller A frame structure instead. Costs us...
  10. TribeWild

    Our girls first time outside

    We had finally had some warm weather and I needed to change the brooder bedding so I figured why not take the girls outside to play in the grass! All we had to contain them were some dirtbike tires (we have hawks like crazy so I don't trust them to free range yet) and our dog decided they were...
  11. TribeWild

    Two heating lamps?

    Update: added more bedding and moved the heating lamp a bit farther away and they seem to be doing fine. I'm thinking I had the lamp too close, causing them to be too hot, but the areas they could go to to escape the heat was too cold for them. Last time I went down they were running around...
  12. TribeWild

    Two heating lamps?

    It's an unfinished basement and it's about 44f outside here right now, so it's not super cold but i would say around 60f in the basement? I'll try to put more bedding in and see if that helps. To repeat what i said in another post, we have a 125w heat bulb (I'll see if I can find the box to see...
  13. TribeWild

    Two heating lamps?

    We have a heat lamp and 125w heat bulb for it.. I don't have a regular thermometer right now but I grabbed my husband's inferred thermometer (he said its a cheap one and hes not sure how accurate it is) and the space directly under the lamp (the chicks were sitting a bit further away from where...
  14. TribeWild

    Two heating lamps?

    We just got our first chicks, 6 total, and they're currently in a 50gal storage container in our basement. We have a heating lamp on one side and noticed that they wont leave the area under the heat lamp, even to eat or drink (we pushed everything closer to the lamp as soon as we noticed and...
  15. TribeWild

    Got our first chicks and the chicken math already started

    Oh I know will be able to fit plenty of chickens in the coop when it's finished! I didn't want to get overwhelmed right away, though. I'm sure if we finish the coop before they stop selling chicks, we will go pick up a few more.
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