Recent content by trista85

  1. trista85

    Fox attack

    Thank you all, sadly she didn’t make it :( we are so sad, she had a huge personality and will be missed!
  2. trista85

    Fox attack

    I found my polish hen in the grass yesterday afternoon with what is clearly a fox bite (we’ve seen it around, and it took another bird already) but she is alive. I brought her in, cleaned the bite and put antiseptic on it. I have been giving her water with electrolytes with a syringe, tried...
  3. trista85

    Assorted bantam chicks, help?

    Hi all, I couldn’t help myself and brought home a couple of bantam chicks yesterday and could use help trying to determine what they might be. The last one has feathered feet. Thanks, as always!
  4. trista85

    Droopy tail

    Maybe. She wasn’t feeling well a few weeks ago. I am comparing her to a fully grown hen (I have a year old buff brahma too) though so I could just be mistaken.
  5. trista85

    Droopy tail

    Hello all, I have a 16-18 week old dark Brahma pullet who seems totally fine except for a droopy tail. She’s a heavy bird so not laying yet, and aside from a weird limp about all th ago no outward signs of any problems. She eats, drinks, poops, forages around with the rest of the flock, comes...
  6. trista85

    Foot problem?

    Thank you! I'll give her a through look over again when I get home this afternoon. On the off chance it is the tendon, what do I do for that?
  7. trista85

    Foot problem?

    Hello all! I have a 4 month old brahma pullet that was not out and about with the others when I got home yesterday. I found her under a tree, and at first thought she was just napping but when she got up to come see me I noticed that she was hesitant to put weight on her right leg and her tail...
  8. trista85

    If you had to choose...

    No, they both are respectful and move away when I walk into the run. In contrast I had a bantam OEG that came at me every time I walked in.. he found a new home.
  9. trista85

    If you had to choose...

    I have a Wyandotte hen and she’s at the top of the pecking order, and so I’ve wondered how the male will turn out. The Brahma is calm once caught, but he definitely is still wary of me - when I open the door in the morning he goes the other way haha. I’m leaning towards keeping him instead of...
  10. trista85

    If you had to choose...

    I agree, I need a crate - and I hesitated buying one this summer when I had a hen go broody. And yes, a neighbor with too many hens and only 1 male has volunteeed to take one, which this time of year is amazing. I’m leaning towards keeping the Brahma. He tries to boss the hens around mostly...
  11. trista85

    If you had to choose...

    Yes, thank you! I have a foot of snow and no other place to put a separated bird other than my garage, and I don't have a crate, etc.. I only have 7 other birds - 2 bantam hens, a silver laced wyandotte, a brahma, a barred rock, a buff orp, and an EE. They're really my pets, so I just want them...
  12. trista85

    If you had to choose...

    I wondered about the size too, but they're both pretty big. My hens are another brahma, a silver laced wyandotte, barred rock, and buff orp. Plus 2 bantams but they're good at slipping out of the way. I only wound up with roosters by accident - my local feed store had a mixed bin and they...
  13. trista85

    If you had to choose...

    ... between keeping a BLRW cockerel or a buff Brahma cockerel (because the Brahma is being mean to the Wyandotte) which would you keep? I have a small backyard flock, o my enough girls for 1. Both cockerels are the same age and the Brahma is not playing nice anymore with the Wyandotte. Both are...
  14. trista85

    Still not sure

    Update!! Definitely a cockerel, so kudos to you! His name is Ruby haha.
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