Recent content by trollrobatics

  1. trollrobatics

    FLL Animal Allies Project : Chicken Tractor Design by TROLL Robotics

    Thank you for the feedback. We will use want you said in our presentation.
  2. trollrobatics

    FLL Animal Allies Project : Chicken Tractor Design by TROLL Robotics

    This is not a full scale model. It is just a small prototype for a possible bigger tractor in the future. It can be a different size to fit how many chickens you want in the tractor. We actually visited 2 local family owned farmers. Not a big chicken farm. We were just trying to build a chicken...
  3. trollrobatics

    FLL Animal Allies Project : Chicken Tractor Design by TROLL Robotics

    Yes, this is the prototype model to demonstrate the solution. We have 7 Kids in our team and they are in 5, 6 and 7th grade and age from 11-12year. Thank you for input on living space requirements for chickens.
  4. trollrobatics

    FLL Animal Allies Project : Chicken Tractor Design by TROLL Robotics

    All, I am coaching kids for First Lego Robotics. This year theme is "Animal Allies" ( In this competition, team needs solve Animal and Human interaction problem and provided new or improved solution. Our team chose Chicken as an animal and research...
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