Recent content by TSH16

  1. TSH16

    Large pellet feed encourage foraging?

    Didn't see this in any discussions yet, so apologies if this is a duplicate.... I've noticed that most feed on sale is in mini pellet size, which is helpful when first moving juveniles to regular feed and the older chickens seem to eat more when offered the mini size. Wondering if anyone has...
  2. TSH16

    Question regarding rooster management

    Yeah, going to play it by ear. there are 6 roosters and 45 hens. If there are major problems come mating season, I can fence off one of the coops to move in all the non-dominant roosters. But for now everything seems copacetic.
  3. TSH16

    What breed am I

    That may be it! Looking at pictures, I'm seeing coloration similar to other chickens from the same barnyard mix... Thanks
  4. TSH16

    What breed am I

    Curious if anyone recognizes these guys as a specific breed.. These are from a backyard mix, so likely not a pure breed, but I have a pullet and a cockerel that look so much alike I'm wondering if they are expressing a dominant breed. They are 3 1/2 months old. The cockerel was 3 times the...
  5. TSH16

    Question regarding rooster management

    I also have access to "almost free" second hand produce trimmings, so abundant food isn't a problem. But will probably butcher a couple once they get big enough to be worth it before breeding anyway.
  6. TSH16

    Question regarding rooster management

    Thanks for the info! I've got time tomorrow and will go over the links you recommended. I am planning on getting 6-10 more pullets from a chain feed store that was spot on sexing chicks last year when I got my first 3 ladies. I have a large area for the roosters, but it is just on the other...
  7. TSH16

    Question regarding rooster management

    I picked up 12 "pullets" from AZ Chickens in Arizona only to discover that 6 are definitely roosters (possibly 8). I have a plan, which involves having separate living/grazing spaces for the ladies and the gents (only 7-9 hens here). My question is... Will the roosters being able to see the...
  8. TSH16

    Protective netting specifications and sources

    1/2 way between Williams and Grand Canyon, AZ.
  9. TSH16

    Rhode Island Red Rooster for pests?

    This is my first season keeping hens and have found that I have a mouse problem. I've heard that roosters will go after mice, but want to check in with you all to make sure this is regular rooster behavior. Don't want to deal with the crowing unless they earn their keep through pest control...
  10. TSH16

    Protective netting specifications and sources

    I'm looking to expand my run area for next Spring and am looking into netting for aerial protection. (This area is predator heavy so need all sides protected). Wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Cost is definitely a consideration so I can't throw $ at the most heavy duty netting, but...
  11. TSH16

    Bird feed needs have increased 5x

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to start weighing out their feed now that I have a range to go by. I built a gravity feeder into the coop so dont know how many pounds they eat, just that I now have to fill it every 4-5 days rather than once every 3-4 weeks.
  12. TSH16

    Bird feed needs have increased 5x

    My Rhode Island Reds have started going through their feed 5x as fast since starting to lay, and I'm trying to determine if some of that isn't loss due to mice. I went through some posts here and it looks like mature layers go through about 8-10 pounds of feed a month? I use Kalmbach 17%...
  13. TSH16

    Breed variation in Rhode Island Reds

    I have 3 rhode island Reds, 6 months old, and one is distinctly different from the others. Curious is anyone knows if this is a different breed or a variation within the breed. One is a darker red, matured about a month faster (though originally the runt), and has darker, slightly smaller...
  14. TSH16

    Hard boiled eggs

    Looks like step one in my house is going to be 'buy ice trays'! Thanks for the tips.
  15. TSH16

    Hard boiled eggs

    Been preparing my first home laid eggs and noticing that hard boiled eggs do not peel without taking a lot of the whites. Tried putting them in the fridge to cool which does the trick with store bought eggs to no avail. Is this usual with home laid eggs, is there a supplement my hens are...
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