Recent content by Tweety

  1. Tweety

    Will hens destroy emerging daffodils?

    Wow! You guys are great! Thanks for the fast response. I guess I'll let them out and see what happens. The girls will appreciate the help, too.
  2. Tweety

    Will hens destroy emerging daffodils?

    On nice days we have been letting our girls out of their run to free range our yard between the patches of snow. They absolutely love it and have come to expect it. I noticed this morning that our daffodils are starting to emerge from one of the areas the chickens have been pecking and...
  3. Tweety

    Temporary hay bale coop?

    Thanks for the great links. I guess it's not such a bad idea. I think the important thing is to cover the bales with wood &/or tarps to keep them dry & free from mold, etc.
  4. Tweety

    Temporary hay bale coop?

    We have ten 7 week old hens that have just moved outdoors and are in need of a coop. The problem is, my husband won't have time to build the perfect coop he has in mind until next spring. Right now the chicks are in a 8x12x6 foot run covered with plywood. We put their 4x6x2 foot chicken...
  5. Tweety

    Is my Roxie Depressed?

    You can also check The one in our area always lists free chickens.
  6. Tweety

    Poultry Feed, Starter/Grower, Grower/Finisher. Which feed is right?

    Thanks, I think I understand now. The starter/grower will be fine up to the time they start laying but it's medicated so I just need to be sure to stop feeding it when they begin to lay or we will be eating the medication in the eggs. I assume the layer feed also contains extra calcium and...
  7. Tweety

    Poultry Feed, Starter/Grower, Grower/Finisher. Which feed is right?

    OK, I just got back from the feed store where I exchanged the "Poultry Feed" for the "Starter/Grower". The label on the Starter/Grower" says to feed it up to 6 weeks of age and then switch to "Grower/Finisher". They also make a "Layer" feed which you feed to them when they start laying. I now...
  8. Tweety

    Poultry Feed, Starter/Grower, Grower/Finisher. Which feed is right?

    I haven't asked if I can exchange it, but I can definately save it for a couple months. Can I feed it to them when they're older and go back and buy the chick starter/grower to feed them now?
  9. Tweety

    Poultry Feed, Starter/Grower, Grower/Finisher. Which feed is right?

    Thanks. Yes, they are hens being raised to become egg layers.
  10. Tweety

    Poultry Feed, Starter/Grower, Grower/Finisher. Which feed is right?

    Our chicks are 5 weeks old and have been raised to this age on Purina Start-N-Grow. Yesterday I went to our local feed store to buy more feed and asked for starter feed for baby chicks. I paid for it and they loaded it into the trunk of my car. When I got home and looked at the bag, it's not...
  11. Tweety

    When/How to Winterize?

    We bought a heated pet (dog) bowl at Petsmart for around $15.
  12. Tweety

    Shredded cardboard bedding

    I went to the local feed store to buy pine bedding for our baby chicks and saw that they are selling shredded cardboard bedding for small animals like guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits. I got to thinking we could put our cardboard boxes through our garden shredder and make our own. Does anybody...
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