Recent content by Twig Worley

  1. T

    Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

    I recieved a phone call from my Post Office yesterday, that my chicks were in, I went over picked them up, and all 28 were alive and well. However, last night my wife noticed that one was looking a little weak, he died a few hours later, I'm not sure why just yet, they were all fine and happy...
  2. T

    Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

    As soon as I get them, I will let you know how they turn out.
  3. T

    What's your Coop look like????????

    I'm thinking of adding on to the coop, and looking for some Ideas. Just wondering what other "peeps" on here had.
  4. T

    Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

    Sorry to hear about your loss! I just ordered 28 chicks from Meyer this morning. I picked a ship date of March 5, but you have me worried now. I hope mine make it through .
  5. T

    What's your Coop look like????????

    Here is mine what's yours look like?
  6. T

    New Guy wondering what kind or coop to get or build.

    I started with 12 Buff Orpingtons, which layed about 8 eggs a day, then added 4 Barred Rocks my egg count grew to around 10 to 12 a day. Last April I added 13 Rhode Island Reds, which brought my daily egg totals to anywhere from 16 eggs to 21 eggs a day. I'm hoping for more during the summer...
  7. T

    New Guy wondering what kind or coop to get or build.

    This is mine. Not constructed as well as the one found on here but serves the purpoose.
  8. T

    New Guy wondering what kind or coop to get or build.

    Welcome to BYC found this on the Coops tab up top. Its what I used to build my coop. There are several to choose from.
  9. T

    New to chickens

    Welcome to BYC from North Carolina!! I too built my Coop off of one I seen on here. It's a great site!!!!!!
  10. T

    How many chickens do YOU have?

    26, and I wish I had 26 more!!
  11. T

    Beginner but not really.

    From North Carolina
  12. T

    Hi all ! ! from Florida

    Hey, Welcome to BYC from North Carolina.
  13. T

    Got lots of questions!

    I have 7 Golden Buff Opingtons, 13 Rhode Island Reds, and 3 Barred Rocks. The Buffs and the Rocks i got in 2011, and the Reds I got in 2012. The Buffs are the same age, so why would some of the Buffs lay a larger egg than the Others?
  14. T

    Got lots of questions!

    I've been raising Chickens for about 2 years. Just getting started.
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