Recent content by Twin Mom

  1. Twin Mom

    nursing back to health

    We are on 9 acres. The guineas are known to go over two properties, and we've had no problems. We have had a coyote problem off and on, so the neighbor got a donkey. Since then I haven't seen any in the last two months. No idea how old, he has a full very large tail. The vet is a little over 30...
  2. Twin Mom

    nursing back to health

    Thank you PeepsCA! I've been reading as much as I can so I do the right things and give the best care possible.
  3. Twin Mom

    nursing back to health

    Received my first peacock last night. Back ground is he was at a vets office. Vet put out a mirror to keep him away from his car. Bird attacked the mirror got very cut up. Is now on meds for wounds and my friend a tech there brought him to me. I have chickens, ducks, and guinea fowl. Do I need...
  4. Twin Mom

    One week old duckling with large nodule on side of neck

    My duckling has a large nodule on side of neck, still eating and drinking. Do I need to do anything or just wait and see? No open wound.
  5. Twin Mom

    I'm stumped, what breed are they?

    Thank you both!! I love that I can always count on BYCers!!!
  6. Twin Mom

    I'm stumped, what breed are they?

    The brown and white one closest to the fence. All from Ideal Surprise Special.
  7. Twin Mom

    No eggs since July!!

    I have five hens that are over a year old and 10 that where hatched in the spring. I live in south texas where the summer was extremely hot and dry. Had a misting system going all summer, but no eggs. Then when the weather started cooling off the older ones molted. I have been waiting patiently...
  8. Twin Mom

    Need Advice!!!

    Update...... Momma hatched 5 keets, 4pearl 1 pied. I got one yesterday, and the other four today. Mom was very good for the few days she had them, even taking they to the coop and the four spent last night in there with her. I put eggs on lockdown today after finding three had pipped, so we...
  9. Twin Mom

    Need Advice!!!

    Thanks for the advice and hope!!! I'll update to let you all know if we brave trying to get the keet, and if anything hatches!!!
  10. Twin Mom

    Need Advice!!!

    Background..... Had five guineas on nest. In the last week all but two were raided by something and took all eggs. Eggs are scheduled to hatch (day 28) on 21st. Guinea was not on nest last night, and did not see her this morning. Temps here are 100+ during the day and in the 80ies at night. Do...
  11. Twin Mom

    first time hatching guinea's

    Congrats!!!! This time of year is so much fun!!! Pictures please!!!!!
  12. Twin Mom

    First Hatch Ever!!! Pics added

    Finally found a free moment to respond. The bator is a Hova-1588, the temp was 99.7 to 99.5 except for about an hour when the power went out and it dropped to 97.3. Humidity was 30 to 40 till lock down when it was raised to 70. The 26th is day 28 and we have eight that have not hatched yet. I...
  13. Twin Mom

    First Hatch Ever!!! Pics added

    Quote: Thank you!! The eggs are from my flock. I've been collecting as I find nests, and will have the next batch ready when these are done.
  14. Twin Mom

    First Hatch Ever!!! Pics added

    As of right now we have 26 keets in the inside brooder. There are twelve unhatched eggs in the bator. One passed this morning, and one pipped but never made it out. It had yellow liquid coming out of shell. I'm thinking not a bad hatch for a first timer. Will leave the others till after the...
  15. Twin Mom

    First Hatch Ever!!! Pics added

    I just started with Guineas and chickens in July of last year. Got my incubator almost a month ago, filled it with Guinea eggs that were scheduled to hatch on the 26. We now have five little ones in there!!!!!! Noticed a few cracked eggs last night, first thought... what did I do wrong, and then...
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