Recent content by txangel55

  1. txangel55

    Bees in chicken feed, what to do?

    The past week it's been unseasonably warm here in the Texas Panhandle and bed have started showing up in our chicken feeders. The chickens seem to avoid them if possible so they are somewhat disrupting their feeding. Any ideas about how to move the bees along? I have no desire to start keeping...
  2. txangel55

    Brahma stands up to "lay" her egg...

    My biggest Buff Brahma girl is standing on top of the nest boxes to lay her egg. I happened to be there when it happened today ands when the egg finally comes out it drops from her and cracks. This led to someone eating her egg yesterday. I don't know who but I know we don't want that to get...
  3. txangel55

    6 month old chicken with dislocated neck, what to do if anything?

    Thanks! It helps to have a name if something to search for. I want sure what to call her problem.
  4. txangel55

    6 month old chicken with dislocated neck, what to do if anything?

    Seems to be more skeletal. She has no other symptoms. Since we are not planning to hatch eggs, we'll just see how she does. It just feels like her neck is out of joint. She gets around fine and eats and drinks just as normally as the other 22 do.
  5. txangel55

    6 month old chicken with dislocated neck, what to do if anything?

    One of our Brahmas has a crooked neck, it feels dislocated. She seems to be getting along fine, eating and drinking etc. Can't day for sure if she's laying yet as we have 23 hens. I'll attach a couple pics of her. Should we do anything or just leave her to do what chickens do? :-)[/IMG]
  6. txangel55

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Hey everybody! I have chicks that are 1&2 weeks old. Some of them, mostly the older ones, are going to sleep on top of MHP. I've been going out and putting them underneath and they stay but I'm wondering if it's really necessary. They are out in the coop and it's really hot during the day (up to...
  7. txangel55

    Meaties 101

    Thanks for great thread.
  8. txangel55

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I want to thank you for this thread! We got our first ever baby chicks yesterday and they are doing great under their MHP! I went out to see them this morning and they all ran out from under and started eating and drinking. I love that we aren't having to use a heat lamp and that they seem so...
  9. txangel55

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Chicks coming Thursday!
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