Recent content by TxBackyardChic

  1. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    Good to know, thank you. Unfortunately no, a vet is not an option. She is now having green poop with the white and it's a bit more solid. I know green isn't good either. I had a rooster that got sick last year that had green poop. He eventually recovered and is very healthy. I think she would do...
  2. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    Oh, thank you! Glad to know it's related to her prolapse and healing. She still has it and is eating very little. I have her separated and in the garage with some light and a fan.
  3. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    Thanks! She has just passed watery white stuff, so I figured that's what it was. I guess it's something else. Her backside is all clean now and no signs of anything.
  4. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    Thank you. She now has really bad vent gleet. :(
  5. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    Thanks for the advice. I have Rooster Booster Vitamins & Electrolytes with Lactobacillus. I have also put yogurt in her food dish.
  6. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    She is still with me. I can't get a good picture, but this morning almost her entire vent has gone back inside of her and she is back to her fiesty self. Since she doesn't appear to be in pain, I am slow in making a decision.
  7. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    I don't want to! It makes feel sick at the idea, but she pecked at it and now it is ripped in 2. She appears just fine, but not eating much and acting better after 3rd bath. I edited my post with a new picture.
  8. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    Thank you! Yes, it is a prolapsed vent that is torn. A portion of it has gone back inside, but the rest is still outside. From what I have read, I think the best thing is to cull her. Unless anyone knows what else I can do.
  9. T

    Help! Not 100% it is a lash egg

    I found my girl yesterday morning with this out her vent. I looked online to find an answer and someone suggested lash egg. I picked her up and tried to dislodge it, but it felt firm like a squish ball and to have some veins in it. I have removed her from the flock and soaked her twice now in...
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