Recent content by txplowgirl

  1. txplowgirl

    Pullets making noise!!

    My chicks are on their 20th week and they are talking like crazy and the Buff Orpington will squat every time I walk into the run. She's been doing that for a couple of days now. The Speckled Sussex and the Lavender Orpington hasn't yet. I keep telling the rooster who I call Mr. Checkers, he's a...
  2. txplowgirl

    Is A Pop Door Necessary?

    I only have 4 2 month old chicks at the moment and they are already bigger than I thought they would be at this age and I am loving them. I am planning on posting pics of their house and run and pics of themselves in a few days. Their coop is 8ft x 8ft and 6ft high sloping down to the back to...
  3. txplowgirl

    Aww, thanks everybody

    Aww, thanks everybody
  4. txplowgirl

    Raising Chicks Is Most Definitely Not For The Faint of Heart

    I had gotten Storey's Guide To Raising chickens and am using that to help. But nothing beats hands on experience. Plus reading here for the last few years I thought I was ready but crap happens I guess. No, I don't have a heat gun, guess i'll be getting 1 of those for next time. I gave them...
  5. txplowgirl

    Raising Chicks Is Most Definitely Not For The Faint of Heart

    I eagerly waited for my chicks to come in from Myer Hatchery and they finally arrived 2 weeks ago. Had ordered 3 Dominique hens with 1 Dominique rooster and 1 hen each of a Speckled Sussex, Buff Orpington, Lavender Orpington, Welsummer and an assorted rare female for a surprise. All were...
  6. txplowgirl

    Moving, and they asked me to clean out the run-help???

    Till it up to loosen it then bag it up and take it to your new place to use. If not just let people know in your local paper free compost come and get it. If it was me I would be tilling and taking it to your new place because a garden needs good compost unless you don't garden. Just my 2 cents.
  7. txplowgirl

    What Kind Of Colors Will I Get?

    Thank you for the info, as for the rest. What can I say, I was bored. :thumbsup
  8. txplowgirl

    What Kind Of Colors Will I Get?

    I ordered chicks a couple of days ago and they'll be here 2nd week of May. Anyway, I have all kinds of different colored chicks running around in my head of what they could possibly look like so thought hopefully you would indulge a newbie's curiosity about what kind of colors I could might...
  9. txplowgirl

    Chicks In 2 Weeks And I'm So Excited!!

    That's what i've been working on the last couple of days. It should be done before they get here.
  10. txplowgirl

    Suggestions for a First Aid Kit - Updated 8-01-2020

    Um, newbie to chickens. Do we actually need everything that has been listed?
  11. txplowgirl

    What Hatching Eggs Should I Get?

    Try a Dominique or a Buff Orpington. They are very quiet and docile.
  12. txplowgirl

    Chicks In 2 Weeks And I'm So Excited!!

    Been getting everything ready and finally paid for them but their estimated arrival won't be until Tuesday, May 14, 2019 through Thursday May 16, 2019 according to my confirmation email. One's I have been wanting for years and now the time is right. I ordered 3 Dominique females plus a...
  13. txplowgirl

    Any Family History Enthusiasts here?

    Argghhh, I hate when I hear that about jealousy and destroying records. My great great grandfather married for the second time a lady who couldn't read or write. He was 43 and she was 16. He also was in the Civil war, etc. Story goes that he started keeping a journal from the time he was 13 and...
  14. txplowgirl

    Any Family History Enthusiasts here?

    I have been researching both sides of my family since I started at the age of 15 back in 1979 way before the internet started. I'm 53 now. That was very time consuming and a little expensive. But now you can do your family history for just about free anymore but that's getting harder an harder...
  15. txplowgirl

    What do people do with boy chicks?

    I was raised with horses, hogs, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits. I was taught at a very early age that all animals we raised were for meat except the geese, they were raised for eggs as well as guardians for the fowl. We could be friendly with them but don't get attached. At the age of 9 I...
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