Recent content by Valerie24601

  1. V

    Prolapse? Yolk sac? Hatched today

    I'll put her in a bowl in the incubator to keep her separated. There were only 2 chicks under the mother, so just the 2 of them in the incubator
  2. V

    Prolapse? Yolk sac? Hatched today

    Sorry for your loss! The funny thing is (or maybe it's normal) it changed so much since birth. Here's a pic from a few hours ago. You can't see the prolapse in the pic at all, but it was a tough looking red bump.
  3. V

    Prolapse? Yolk sac? Hatched today

    A few hours ago the protrusion looked like a red snail and now it's flattened out significantly and looks more red-yellow. She's walking around carrying her deflated sac with her so far. Good sign or bad sign?
  4. V

    Prolapse? Yolk sac? Hatched today

    This chick is 6 hours old, hatched fairly quickly, seems healthy enough so far, but I'm concerned about the prolapse I'm seeing. I have a broody hen who does all our hatching for us and she is great...but this chick was hatched by a different hen (1st time mom) who was rough with her babies. So...
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