Recent content by vic1711

  1. vic1711

    Houseplant and succulent enthusiasts

    I had this wretched year of the pest - maybe 2 years ago? I had the mealybugs, spider mites (washed them off)- fungus gnats (i rock the top of all my plants now- seems to work) And aphids and thrips. I got a couple mantis egg cases- they hatched, the bugs were gone. It was a weird thing - I...
  2. vic1711

    Houseplant and succulent enthusiasts

    Love the houseplants! In process of hauling most outside for summer. I have a few split leaf philodendron (i know that's not their real name, but can't get used to monstera-!) I have a pair of tortoises too- so I grow a lot of food plants- hibiscus (tropical), shamrocks, Malabar spinach... I...
  3. vic1711

    Houseplant and succulent enthusiasts

    I once had a wicked outbreak. I was so frustrated - i filled a spray bottle w isopropyl - 70 percent and sprayed - weeks. None of the plants died. Those fuzzy monsters turned brown and died, one by one! Lol (this works on scale too)
  4. vic1711

    ameraucana or easter egger?

    Far as I know (no breed expert!) Slate legs. I like the muffs. 💚 I have 3 easter eggers and one splash purebred. We have a nice color selection for eggs! Mint green, olive green, pink and blue.
  5. vic1711

    Strange Eggs

    In my experience, egg quality (thin shells, runny type eggs, low production) suffers if the chickens get too much "table food". I rarely treat anymore -unless I dig up a nice grub and I feed a good quality feed.
  6. vic1711

    Free ranging chickens! Q and A ( my experience)

    I've had chickens on and off for about 25 years. I've kept them on an apartment patio and free as far as they wanted to go. I think chickens are just happy, adaptable creatures.... My current ones have a large coop w an automatic door. The yard is fenced- but when I first moved here I lost 3...
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