Recent content by viking_chicken

  1. viking_chicken

    Hanging Turkeys

    I've read about people hanging game birds, wild ones they shot. It sounds... unappetizing to me. Aged beef, yes; aged fowl, no.
  2. viking_chicken


    Hi yall! Wow, there are a lot of Nevada chicken people. How cool! I read back about 10 pages but I haven't had a chance to read all 203 pages yet! I had banties when I was a kid, but just now got the chance to get back in to chickens. We just bought a place in Lemmon Valley and I promptly...
  3. viking_chicken

    Greetings From the Reno/Sparks, NV area!

    Oh hi, other new person from Reno! I got 14 almost-laying probably hens off of Craigslist last week - I probably snatched them up right before you did! I must say, you're nuts for missing the green! I'm from Memphis and I never want to live down at sea level in the humidity again. Memphis...
  4. viking_chicken

    New chicken keeper - deep litter plus waterer equals a big mess!

    Thanks for the good advice, yall! I am originally from Memphis (so I say yall) but my husband, horse, goat, dog, cats, and now chickens live near Reno, NV. Everything's sand - no need for grit. I've got a bag of oyster shell that I'm just going to add to the layer mash - do I need to do that...
  5. viking_chicken

    New chicken keeper - deep litter plus waterer equals a big mess!

    I've had my beautiful flock of 14 chickens (near point of lay, probably Leghorns, probably hens) for a whole week now. They are free ranging the back half acre during the day and sleeping in a 10x12 coop at night. Their food and water are in the coop, to encourage them to not wander too far...
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