Recent content by VJB24

  1. VJB24

    KFC - Kentucky Fried Cruelty

    Please see the rules here Particularly No discussions about animal rights organizations or Cock fighting Thanks, Staff
  2. VJB24

    Chickens Not getting a long.

    6 ft long run attaced to 4 ft long under run thing. so about 10 ft to get away
  3. VJB24

    Chickens Not getting a long.

    Ok, so I should just let them peck on the little ones
  4. VJB24

    Chickens Not getting a long.

    Ok. So long story short I have two 2 month old chickens, two 1 month old chickens and the older ones keep like kinda pecking at their wings and butting them around and being bullies to them. How can I fix it so they all get a long?
  5. VJB24

    please say a lil prayer for my lil chuck :-(

    Aww what a bummer. I was really hoping she was gonna make it . Sorry to hear. It really does stink. Have a good day. Hopefully your flock is all ok too.
  6. VJB24

    Chicken Pecking Order

    Ya I do. I remember on google It said its good so they can see each other but not hurt each other is that what you are suggesting)
  7. VJB24

    Chicken Pecking Order

    Hello! Yesterday I got two new chickens that are a two month old. I have two chickens that are 1 month old. I let them meet each other and they don't seem to get along... Watch this. So ya. I really need to start getting the chicks outside but I don't want them to get beat up on all day...
  8. VJB24

    Help! With Chickens of different age!

    If I kept the chicks in the run and blocked the coop and nesting boxes off so they had to stay in the run then just let the older ones out and walk around the run... But wouldn't be able to mess with each other? That should work... Right?
  9. VJB24

    Help! With Chickens of different age!

    Hmm... Thanks for the comment, but how do you think I should make it so they see each other but can't be harmed?
  10. VJB24

    Help! With Chickens of different age!

    Hello! Yesterday I got two new chickens that are 2 months old. I left them in my one coop until now. I just showed them to my two one month old chicks. One of the 2 months old keeps like pecking at the top of my favorite chick. I need help on what to do because now is when I would start putting...
  11. VJB24

    Loose bloody poop.

    Bloody poop is usually cause by like internal bleeding and stuff like that, what you said. So good luck. hope she gets better
  12. VJB24

    New here and had a chicken pass last me figure why

    Sorry to hear. All I could think is the coccidia never left and just finally got to her. It's a possibility but who knows. Good luck on the rest of the flock.
  13. VJB24

    My Chicken falls down when she tries to run (video)

    Looks like something is wrong with her legs. Sorry and best wishes
  14. VJB24

    please say a lil prayer for my lil chuck :-(

    Ahh that is really sad. Hope he pulls through.
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