Recent content by WANI

  1. WANI

    Are rats dangerous?!!

    Yes they not only eat their eggs and spread disease, they will eat a live chicken if hungry especially if the chicken roosts on the floor of the coup at night.
  2. WANI

    Is an Incubator a Fire Hazard?

    Yes they do catch fire. I had an Italian made incubator and the fan stopped then smoke smelling like burnt rubber and lucky I was nearby . I switched it off at the power point. The electric cable was so hot I couldn't touch it. I got a towel and threw the smouldering incubator outside. Lucky I...
  3. WANI

    What NOT to feed geese? (Food that isnt safe for them?)

    She says no dandelion weed, I don't know about geese but if stock like goats and cows eat lots of it before it flowers they become severely magnesium and calcium deficient whereby they die within 48 hours if they dont receive calcium and magnesium supplements by injection. So I give them mineral...
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