Recent content by Wateredgarden11

  1. Building Our First Coop

    Building Our First Coop

    We live in a small town and this is our first attempt at building a coop and run. We needed a coop that was attractive for our neighbors and would house six chickens. We used a picture of a child's play house as our inspiration and modified the design for chickens. Our coop is an octaganol...
  2. Wateredgarden11

    Pictures of suburban set ups?

    We live on 1/3 acre in a small town. Here is link to our small coop and run. We have six chickens. I would like to expand but not sure how to do it.
  3. Wateredgarden11

    Ended - Coop Design Contest - Summer 2009

    Congratulations to all of the coop winners and honerable mentions.
  4. Wateredgarden11

    I love that chicken song!

    I am so happy with my chickens! We are new to raising chickens and I am a city girl who has just learned to garden, can and now raise chickens in our small backyard. We have six and they are 16 weeks old. Four days ago I heard this racket going on out in the run. Normally our pullets are quiet...
  5. Wateredgarden11

    I love that chicken song!

    I am so happy with my chickens! We are new to raising chickens and I am a city girl who has just learned to garden, can and now raise chickens in our small backyard. We have six and they are 16 weeks old. Four days ago I heard this racket going on out in the run. Normally our pullets are quiet...
  6. Wateredgarden11

    Facebook users - does anyone else play "Farm Town"?

    Hi I am new to farmtown..been playing about a week and half..up to level 24 but still have not figured out how to do much. I could use some neighbors so if someone who needs neighbors figures out how to add me..rofl please do. It benefits us all. my farm is Wateredgarden's farm. And by the way...
  7. Wateredgarden11

    Facebook users - does anyone else play "Farm Town"?

    I play farmtown. My avatar is named Wateredgarden. My hubby and I just started playing but we are moving up levels fast. Game is I think I am around level 23..can't remember..but just bought a 20x20 piece. I need a few more neighbors. Glad to see a thread on here regarding...
  8. Wateredgarden11

    There's a skunk sleeping in my coop?!

    Good Luck with this problem. Hopefully someone will give you some helpful advice. Not sure what I would do if we found a skunk in our run or coop. We had a terrible problem with a skunk over this past under our deck and sunroom along with an opossum..they would fight under our...
  9. Wateredgarden11

    Chickens in basement for 8 weeks during coldest winter months?

    Hi everyone, we are already thinking ahead to the cold months of January and February. We have a brick Victorian farm house and our basement has five seperate rooms. We were wondering if we could make one of the rooms which has a window as a temporary home for our six chickens during the two...
  10. Wateredgarden11

    The Beginning

    That is a very nice start on your coop and I love your handle. Good luck with your chickens
  11. Wateredgarden11

    Not sure but toys?????????

    We have a mirror in our run along with various perches. I also hang broccoli, or cabbage in their run and they enjoy pecking at that..think tether ball time. Last week I took them some greens on a tin pie plate..Wow..for the rest of the afternoon after they finished eating the greens..all we...
  12. Wateredgarden11

    New coop

    Beautiful coop and landscaping..Enjoy your chickens
  13. Wateredgarden11

    Best predator deterent ever!

    This has been the funniest thread..rofl thanks for the laughs everyone.
  14. Wateredgarden11

    Chicken owner charged after shooting dog.

    Mr. Harris and family You all sure have been in my families prayers. I am so glad that the charges against you have been dropped. From the statements you have made here on BYC we can all see that you are an upright citizen and a great neighbor. My family wishes you only shalom and peace as you...
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