Recent content by Weep-weep Ducks

  1. Weep-weep Ducks

    Duck Updates: Welsh Hooligans and Indiana's Cough

    I posted awhile back, then got really busy for awhile... When last I posted I was trying to get my two young Welsh Harlequins to mingle with my two Khaki hens. Well, two months later, they haven't really learned to get along. The two Welshes, Tenchi and Yotsuba, (I've got a picture of...
  2. Weep-weep Ducks

    "Breaking the Ice" with new ducks?

    Thanks for the welcome! It's been touch-and-go so far. The two groups can roost overnight in the pen without too much trouble, but they're still aloof and the Harlequins try to chase off the Khakis. I'll try to post some pictures soon, can't quite figure it out on this smartphone...
  3. Weep-weep Ducks

    Duckling dying? please help!

    Sorry to hear you lost your khaki baby, Ekaufee. As for West Nile, both the vet at LSU and Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks discussed the disease in ducks. But, with Gaga it was a speculative diagnosis after the fact. Based on what I've read in this thread, it could just as easily have been a...
  4. Weep-weep Ducks

    "Breaking the Ice" with new ducks?

    Okay. You've echoed what my better half said, just give it some time. But the separation and using treats are good ideas that I will have to try. Screamer and Indiana love diced cucumber, I'll have to see if that will give them and their new yardmates some common ground...! What seems to be...
  5. Weep-weep Ducks

    URGENT - Please help! Duck has prolapsed vent

    Oh wow! Thank you for that bit of experience, GardenFarmGirl! Heaven forbid, but if that should happen to either of my other girls (or to my rascal Welsh Harlequin hen when she starts laying), I will have a strategy. Because the books I've read say that a prolapse can happen again, but then...
  6. Weep-weep Ducks

    Duckling dying? please help!

    Please keep us posted on how your little duckling fares. I have a soft spot in my heart for khaki campbells, and this is a good learning topic for me, too. I had a similar issue last year with a khaki duckling who was three weeks old. I knew something was wrong one morning when I filled a...
  7. Weep-weep Ducks

    URGENT - Please help! Duck has prolapsed vent

    He'll probably spit some of it out, but as long as you just go in short bursts he won't choke. Probably a few CC's at a time, about a third of a syringe (depending on its size). Just watch his movements, his reactions, and give him time to swallow. It's like when they drink, they shift their...
  8. Weep-weep Ducks

    "Breaking the Ice" with new ducks?

    I realize this has been asked a couple of different ways, but I'd like to hear more on the subject. I have two year-old Khaki Campbell hens, Screamer and Indiana. They've had their own thing going since their sister Sarah died, but I felt maybe they could use some more company, including a male...
  9. Weep-weep Ducks

    URGENT - Please help! Duck has prolapsed vent

    Hi there Iamgrateful, I just read through this thread and cried. I was in much the same situation with my duck Sarah. I thought she was just swollen after passing what looked like two thin-shelled eggs at once, end-to-end. Did a cool bath and some peroxide..."swelling" didn't go down...
  10. Weep-weep Ducks

    Sand for Duck House Bedding?

    I've never used sand in a duck house, necessarily, but my ducks have a converted dog kennel to which I've added both pea gravel and a couple of types of sand. (Sacks of river sand and play sand from Lowe's.) Thing is, when it gets wet, the ducks love to burrow their little bills in it and eat it...
  11. Weep-weep Ducks

    Hello from Louisiana

    Hi everyone, I kept Googling my questions about ducks and kept finding answers among the threads here on Backyard Chickens, I am! I live in Shreveport, Louisiana with my partner and now four ducks. That's me in my avatar with Sarah, one of my beautiful Khaki Campbell hens...
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