Recent content by welman

  1. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    WOW! I am so impressed and totally inspired to get going on my blocks. My 7 YO is dying to have a blanket made from chicken squares. Thanks for your inspirations everyone! The primary colored shorty cluck came from NH!
  2. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Thanks Coyote! Swaps are so fun but stragglers at the end make it hard for the host...I really appreciate you organizing and sticking with this one!! Happy summer
  3. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Hi everyone...just wondering what the final status on this swap is??
  4. welman

    Can anyone help with Pinwheel quilt block directions?

    Here's a link to a blog I visit often...she's amazing in many different ways! This particular post is #1 in a series about making a pinwheel quilt...beautiful stuff! Best wishes!
  5. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Yay! Glad they made it so fast. Sorry to cause alarm, I thought it was May 1st. LOVE it when I'm thinking I'm late but I'm early! SWEET! Can't wait to see them everyone.
  6. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Hi CM! Mailed all of my squares yesterday, very sorry to be a last minute Lucy on these, time got away from me! I battled with my machine as a first time applique-er and won most of the time Thanks for hosting! ~Angi
  7. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    I'm still plugging along on mine too...crazy busy! Happy Sewing!
  8. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    My 6 year old has already claimed this quilt as his...he obviously has not noticed the HUGE pile of un-quilted squares around here! Beautiful pix everyone!
  9. welman

    Holiday Chicken Blocks Swap---IN THE MAIL!!!

    gasp....gasp.... nearly done the first round of chickens....!
  10. welman

    It's time for my annual Ukranian Egg adult ed class-pics soon.*pics*

    I don't but I can't wait to see your photos!!
  11. welman

    what to put on wound?

    Thanks! I'll have to check the local feed store for blue coat (?). She's still out of the coop in the shed but if that will discourage pecking I could put her back in sooner than later. Is there a window of time that she would need to be reintroduced for the best (kindest) results? A million...
  12. welman

    what to put on wound?

    Thanks for your thoughts! Rinsed it with saline and tried to get antiseptic cream on it as best I could. We'll see how she is tomorrow! Thanks again,
  13. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Well with all of your input the bad news is I still don't know what to do, but the good news is it should be fine no matter what I choose!! Thanks all!
  14. welman

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    OK clever quilters... it there a rule of thumb when you are choosing thread to go around an applique? I have some bright chickens and can't decide what to do... Any words of wisdom??
  15. welman

    what to put on wound?

    Hi there, I have a NHR with hawk attack looks like 2 separate wounds. I'm not much of a nurse nancy but what if anything should I put on it? Neosporin? Peroxide? She's quarantined for the time being but I'd like to help the healing process move along quickly! (My hub wants his...
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