Recent content by whitt910

  1. whitt910

    Updated! - Test Your Diagnostic Skills - Warning, Contains Graphic Necropsy Photos

    What you are seeing in the roof of the mouth is called frounce in birds of prey, but it is actually carried by pigeons and doves. Here's a link that describes it pretty well
  2. whitt910

    When do chickens lay?

    It depends, sometimes I go in around 8 AM and will have an egg, but most of the time they lay in the afternoon. I collect eggs around 2:00 PM because that is when I get home from work and that's when I have most eggs and then when I close them up at night I'll have one or two more eggs. Every...
  3. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    I can see what you're saying and maybe you're right.. I recently read an article about how smart chickens are and that they are one of only a few animals that if you take away an object they know that it is missing and have a sense of time and space. Maybe they are trying to show the girls who's...
  4. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    I will look up that board. I have tried things like standing my ground and not showing signs of being worried by them. That doesn't really work so what I have resorted to is when they come at me either smack them or kick (not hard of course) them away and then I chase them. This puts a stop to...
  5. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    Thanks Guppy! Yea I understand what Newbie32 is saying so I guess I got ahead of myself :-) I'm seriously thinking about it. I have 3 roosters ( 2 Buff Orps, and 1 RIR) and the 2 Buffs are horrible! Every day or every other day I constantly have to remind them that I am boss not them and it's...
  6. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    It was in the meat bird section or where they were talking about culling. It was talking about ages of chickens and what they are classified as (broilers, fryers ect) and what age you can cull them. It was also talking about if they have large combs, wattles, and spurs they're too old to eat. It...
  7. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    Good idea, its an awesome book! Yes they come back. With the help of the chicken saddles they do. I've had mine on for less than a week and I had one hen that had quite a bit of damage and they're coming back nicely. The saddles give them a chance to regrow and protects them. Once the feathers...
  8. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    At first if the roo's are ready and the hens aren't or only a few are it can be rather flu steering for us I think. Some of my hens were ready before others and the roo's just thought everyone was free game. So there's a lot of squalling and running from the roo's and sometimes a few neck...
  9. whitt910

    my chicken is sneezing but doesnt have a runny nose

    I had the same problem and freaked out and thought something was wrong, but in fact if there are no other signs I would say that they fine. Chickens produce A LOT of dust and just think about how often you sneeze when you are milling around in their coop and outside. Just something is irritating...
  10. whitt910

    4 hens to 1 rooster okay?

    I have three rooster to 23 hens and they don't mind the roo's at all.I have buff orptington roo's and they're evil! I constantly have to put them in their place because they attack me. I tell my boyfriend all the time that they don't value their life. My RIR roo on the other hand is amazing...
  11. whitt910

    Rooster to Hen Ratio

    Agreed! I have 26 chickens total, 3 roo's (2 buff orpingtons, 1 RIR), 8 BR, 8 RIR, 10 BO... But i agree that roosters don't really have anything to with their laying.
  12. whitt910

    HELP! Chicken is not "packaging" her eggs

    I wouldn't put egg shells or oyster shells in their food because not all of your hens need the same amount of calcium. If you give it free choice they will eat when they need individually. Although is seems like she might be separate or she is your only hen, but still I wouldn't add it to her...
  13. whitt910

    Laying Time and Location

    I'm not for sure why she prefers the dog house, but my hens don't lay in the morning either. They lay between 11-2 in the afternoon and sometimes some later than that. I think it's pretty common for them to lay during the afternoon from what I have read. Have you tried maybe putting golf balls...
  14. whitt910

    hens sleeping outside

    I don't know if they're sleeping outside because of the mites or not, but I have one hen that sleeps outside in her run. If we move her into the coop at night she'll stay there, but otherwise she wants to sleep outside. I think she might be the lowest on the pecking order or maybe it's just too...
  15. whitt910

    Orpington Gender?? 11 weeks old

    I think it's a roo. My orpingtons hens were the absolute last hens of mine to get combs. I had two roos and they let us know pretty much up front that they weren't hens. Most of my oprington hens didn't actually get combs and wattles until they started laying at about 18 weeks.
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