Recent content by Wildivy2112

  1. Wildivy2112

    Eggs hatching but hen smothering them HELP

    Thank you. I've been so confused. Don't think I want to do this again.
  2. Wildivy2112

    Eggs hatching but hen smothering them HELP

    I currently have two hens with eggs hatching today. The larger girls first hatch. I was going on the idea that you don't look under them until enough time for all to hatch. The first finally appeared yesterday afternoon. Just now I decided to look under her as I still only saw the one chick...
  3. Wildivy2112

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Got my order from Meyer today. 6 arrived via Express overnight mail. All are lively eating and drinking. 1 BCM, 1 Splash maran, 1 blue Americauna, 3 black Australorps. Fingers crossed they all are hens. The PO showed me another shipment that someone had ordered and only paid for Priority...
  4. Wildivy2112

    Cochin Thread!!!

    My Cochin rooster Mr Beasley is very sweet and his crow is not bad at all. It's kind of a low range and he only crows twice a day.
  5. Wildivy2112

    South Carolina

    I have a Cochin hen. 11 myths old and laying. In Spartanburg.
  6. Wildivy2112

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Happy New Year everyone. Just reporting on my awesome Cochin egg layers. Its been awhile and last time I think I was here I was still waiting on eggs. Happy to report that all three of my girls are now laying pretty much an egg every day. They are awesome layers!! It was worth the wait...
  7. Wildivy2112

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    So since building our coop and run last year and getting banged up fingers pounding nails the old fashioned way, I bought hubs a nail gun for Christmas. He is not appreciative. What gives? He says he will not have much use for it. I haven't broke the news to him yet of my plans for...
  8. Wildivy2112

    Australorps breed Thread

    This may be a little off topic but my Australorp hen has a lot of feathers missing on her back from our breed happy roo. Does anyone know where I can get a pattern to make her some of those little aprons? Thanks so much!
  9. Wildivy2112

    South Carolina

    Mine did just fine. We had only a few flakes of snow here in Spartanburg and then cold rain. As long as I keep the feeder from going empty, mine are happy with whatever and they laid the same amount of eggs as usual.
  10. Wildivy2112

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Mine is Henrietta, not very original either but I let the granddaughter pik out her name.
  11. Wildivy2112

    Hawk stalking my birds all day yesterday

    This morning I saw a hawk swoop down two times towards the coop and run. The chix were out in the run. I have heard of hawks but finally saw for my own eyes that they will try and attack chickens. Wow, what an eye opener. It swooped down twice trying to get into the run which is covered with...
  12. Wildivy2112

    Cochin Thread!!!

    I got my first Cochin egg yesterday!!! At least I think it was one of my Cochin girls who laid it, I do have an Australorp the same age and I am waiting on her too. They are all 22 wks old. The egg is very light brown in color. Anyhow, I was thrilled! My splash Blue Andalusian girl has been...
  13. Wildivy2112

    Cochin Thread!!!

    I like them both. If the red is a he, then he is a cute little feller!
  14. Wildivy2112


    To clarify- he put straw on top of the grass seed on top of the bare spots. I think they are just eating the straw perhaps?
  15. Wildivy2112


    Mine seem to love pecking through the straw when it is first pit down. I think they are eating something falling from the straw. Now my dilemma is that my husband has thrown 30 bucks worth of grass seed down in the bare areas out back and the chickens are back there having a blast. They have...
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