Recent content by Willows Bend Farm

  1. Willows Bend Farm

    How do I fix my chicks feet??

    Me too I don’t really know what to do…
  2. Willows Bend Farm

    We need help our hen is sick!!

    Thank you I will order some now what dose Should I get?
  3. Willows Bend Farm

    We need help our hen is sick!!

    Thank you for this! She is almost a year old and doesn’t have mites or lice. Her tail is down but that only started today. I will take some photos later and give her egg and electrolytes. Thank you so much!
  4. Willows Bend Farm

    We need help our hen is sick!!

    Hi, Our hen is sick and we need some help. I first saw her acting off when it was - 35 outside, she was all puffed up and shaking, so we took her into our garage were it was a bit warmer and she starded perking up, none of our other hens were acting like that though. When we were bringing the...
  5. Willows Bend Farm

    BOTH Chicken feet fell off!! Frostbite??

    Hi! If she is inside and warm i would be suprised if she had frost bite. We have a silkie rooster we hatched out with a limp leg and he has been doing great and we know hw to take care of him well, if she is livley otherwise pleas please dont put her down!! If you want to re-home her we will buy...
  6. Willows Bend Farm


    Hi! My main question is how old are they? On average chickens have their first molt at about 18 months. If they are younger than this you probably should check for any signs of mites and lice, for example you can look for pale comb, changes in appetite, less eggs, dirty looking vent, as well as...
  7. Willows Bend Farm

    What breed is my rooster?

    If i had to take a guess i would say he is probably a blue laced red wyandotte! Also if he is still looking for a home we will gladly buy him from you , just let me know!
  8. Willows Bend Farm

    Help! Can't get foot infection under control

    My only thought with what you said is possibly amputating the foot/leg we have a silkie roster that has a bad leg and we are considering bringing him to a vet to amputate it as we have done everything else. I hope this helped. wishing you luck! <3
  9. Willows Bend Farm

    Is it vegan to hatch chicks?

    In my opininion yes, but i feel as if this is pretty subjective. I know vegan people who eat our chicken eggs from our small homestead and are still vegan, but some may disagree. Though just hatching eggs is definitely vegan in my opinion and is such a wondefull experience! Wishing you luck, and...
  10. Willows Bend Farm

    Wrinkled egg

    Interesting. Possibly a lash egg... I would recommend seeing what is inside otherwise i probbably couldn't tell! If you have a vet near you that takes chickens you could always ask them. Always is a chance it was just an odd egg, it is hard to tell on the photo. I hope you figure it out!
  11. Willows Bend Farm

    Brooder Heating Conundrum

    Hi! We have had a lot of experience with heat lamps, as we have some reptiles. If i am being completely honest with you it would be best to use a radiant heat brooding plate for your chicks! in my opinion it is just not the risk with the lamps, not just from the fire risk, but also for the over...
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