Recent content by Wilson74

  1. Wilson74

    If you plant it, they will come

    Tilled, seeded, and fenced and area for the chickens to enjoy some winter wheat. Today I removed the fence and let the chickens reap the reward. Also, a quick look at a new feeder I built that is much more user friendly for feeder and eater.
  2. Wilson74
  3. Wilson74
  4. Wilson74

    Fed Chickens this and eggs came out weird??

    Stress is a big factor in weird eggs. Have any info them lost any feathers from possible "pecking order" issues? That could be a sign something is afoot in the coop. "Cooped up" frustration. Heating their coop isn't really necessary as long as there isn't a draft. It does need ventilation...
  5. Chicken Tunnel

    Chicken Tunnel

    WINTER IS COMING Fall is here and it's time to start prepping the garden for winter. To help in the work involved I have enlisted my Golden Comets. The challenge I faced was how to allow the chickens safe and consistent access to the garden that is on the other side of the yard. My solution...
  6. Wilson74

    Dust beds

    Would ash sand and food grade DE seem to work really well and they love it
  7. Wilson74


    Yesterday I cleaned out the coop and sprayed mana pro poultry protector all over, and some DE and sweet pdz. I didn't see any mites and I checked nooks and crannies. If anyone's interested here's a video:
  8. Wilson74


    Had anyone tried Mana Pro poultry protector? It says it's all natural and can be used in/outside of the coop and on the chickens to kill mites and lice.
  9. Wilson74

    getting rid of mites naturally?

    I have read that wood ash kills lice and mites as long as it stays dry. I added a bunch to some sand and DE in a plastic bin I placed under my raised coop for a dust bath. Hoping to stay ahead it before it becomes a problem. I am also looking for a solution out in my free range fenced run...
  10. Wilson74


    When inbuilt my coop I white washed the inside with a hydrated lime powder and salt mixture with water that is like a runny paint. Turns the inside white and bugs can't make a home inside the wood. I did a YouTube video if anyone is interested.
  11. Wilson74

    Lessons learned while trying to beat the heat...

    This is great reading. Thank you for taking the time to find it.
  12. Wilson74

    Lessons learned while trying to beat the heat...

    I really like the frozen blueberry idea in water. I am going to have to give that a shot
  13. Wilson74


    Thanks, I'm slowly getting the hang of it lol
  14. Wilson74

    Lessons learned while trying to beat the heat...

    That is a really good point I hadn't considered. The extra activity would be counterproductive to keep them cool. The easier the better for frozen treats.
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